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JJ walked over to my desk as I took my last sip of coffee. I rubbed my face tiredly while looking away from her so she wouldn't see. "Hi babe." I said with a tired smile.

"Hi. I have some more files for you to do." She dropped them onto my desk and I stared at them blankly. "You ok?"

"Yeah can you get me some more coffee, please?" I asked her, handing her my cup.

"How much coffee have you had today?"

"5 cups." I told her, ignoring my heart pounding from all the caffeine.

"It's noon." I shrugged.

"Did you not sleep well?"

"Not really I admitted." Signing as I looked down at my hands. I hadn't slept well any day this past month and it was really catching up to me. I used to take meds for it about three years ago but I didn't need them anymore so I stopped taking them.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just did." I said with a soft laugh. "Can you please get me more coffee. Pretty please." I said, giving her puppy eyes.

"I don't want you to have a heart attack."

"Fine." I sighed and she walked away. Once she was back in her office I got myself another cup of coffee which got me through the rest of the day.

A week passed and I still could barely sleep. I was shaking now once I got my first cup of coffee and JJ noticed. We were in the break room alone and she took the coffee away from me so I didn't spill it on myself. "Are you ok?" She asked me.


"I said are you ok?"

"Oh, yeah." I said, turning towards her slowly. My hands were still shaking and she took them in hers.

"We're going home."

"Hm. Why?"

"Because you're shaking and can barely process my words honey. You need to sleep."

"What. No...I can do job. This job." I said, blinking slowly. She put her hand on my back and led me down the elevator.

"How long has it been since you last slept? For a full night?"

"Um. I don't remember." I mumbled.

"Ok baby. Come on. We're home."

"Already, what?" She came over to my side of the car and helped me out.

Before I knew it we were in bed and JJ was rubbing my side while my eyes drooped sleepily. "Do you need to start taking your meds again?"

"Maybe." I mumbled.

"Why didn't you tell me you couldn't sleep?" She asked, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I didn't want to worry you."

"Don't worry about that, ok? I love you and want you to be happy and healthy."

"Mk." I hummed, barely processing her words.

"You really need to sleep honey."

"I don't think I can."

"Baby. What normally helps you?"

"I um...I think cuddles would help." I told her shyly. We had never been cuddly sleepers so I didn't know how she would react. She nodded and put her arms around me, pulling me close to her. I buried my head in her chest and she rubbed my back. I wiped my face as a tear ran down.

"What's wrong?" I shrugged and cuddled up to her even more, it was helping. "Y/n." She mumbled against the top of my head. She tangled our legs together and I smiled softly.

"I just don't know why I can't fucking sleep. I'm so tired but I just...I don't know Jayje."

"It's ok." She kissed the top of my head again and rubbed my back. "Is this helping?"

"Kind of."

"What would make it better?" I moved up a bit so that our faces were right across from each other and I kissed her tiredly. She put her arms around my neck and pulled me so I was kind of on top of her with my nose nuzzled against her cheek. I let out a content sigh and my eyes fluttered shut.

"Better." I mumbled.

"Good." She scratched my back a few times comfortingly before I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up five hours later with a smile on my face once I realized how long I had slept. I shook JJ awake and she sleepily opened her eyes. "Did you have a nightmare?" She whispered, kissing my forehead a few times.

"No. But I slept for five hours." Her smile grew and she smiled against my lips while she kissed me. "Thank you." I whispered, tilting my head down so her lips were pressed against my forehead.

"Of course."

"Now...can we cuddle every night?"

"Yes." She held me tighter and I smiled.

"I love you Jayje." I felt her smile against my forehead before kissing it.

"I love you too honey, now get some more sleep."

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora