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I sighed as I walked over to JJ's home office. When I saw her I sat down on her lap to straddle her and put my arms around her neck. "Hi baby." She whispered, pressing a soft kiss to my neck. "Do you need something?"

"A hug." I whispered. She put her arms around me a couple seconds later and rubbed my back.

"Are you ok?" She asked while tucking my hair behind my ear. When I didn't answer she shut her laptop and held me tighter. I pulled away for a second to pull my hood over my head. "Baby, what's wrong?" She continued to rub my back and I just rested my head on her shoulder. I didn't answer again and she pulled my hood off of my head so she could kiss me again. "Do you wanna talk?" I shook my head and she sighed. "Well...do you need anything?" I shrugged. "Can you just tell me something so I know what's going on?"

"I don't know."

"What's wrong?"

"Everything." I said in one breath.

"Honey." She sighed, standing up and walking over to our bed which was one room over. She sat down on the foot of the bed and I continued to straddle her. "Can you be a little more specific?"

"I don't know what's wrong, everything just feels bad." I mumbled, sighing against her shoulder.

"Anything I can do to help?"

"I don't know." I said, frustrated with not being able to cry. She felt my body tense up and whispered loving things in my ear.

"It's ok honey. You can cry if you need to, I'm right here." After her words I choked out a small sob, clutching the back of her hoodie tightly. "Shh, you're ok. You're ok." She rocked us back and forth and whispered soothing things in my ear.

"I love you." I mumbled through sobs.

"I know honey. I love you too. It's ok, you're gonna be ok. Let it out, I'm right here."

After a few more minutes of crying I pulled away a little bit and rested my forehead against her. She looked at me with a frown. "I hate seeing you like this honey." I cupped her face with my hands and put my thumbs on the corners of her lips, forcing them into a smile. She laughed and kissed my nose. "You're adorable." I rested my head on her shoulder again and put my arms around her. "Are you sure you don't wanna talk?"

"I don't know." I pulled away from her again and rested my hands on her shoulders. "I feel really heavy right now if that makes sense." She nodded and put one hand on the side of my face to caress it. "It's like there's a weight on my chest that just wants to keep me in bed all day."

"Have you been in bed all day?"


"Why didn't you get me earlier, I would've given you cuddles or talked to you or something." She pouted.

"I couldn't get out of bed."

"I'm sorry honey."

"Can we just cuddle?" I put my hands on the side of her face and kissed her softly.

"Yeah." She lied down on the bed and I lied on top of her. I rested my head on her chest and tangled our legs together. I closed my eyes while she played with my hair, helping me fall asleep within a few minutes.

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang