The System Works

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I sat with Penelope in her office as she ran through sealed files of our suspects. I spun around in her chair and listened while her and Derek flirted over the phone. "What's going on in you head? You have a weird look on your face." Penelope stopped typing and turned to me.

"I wonder how JJ would react if I called her and talked like you and Morgan did."

"Oh my God please do that."

"Should I?" I scrunched my nose and leaned forward.

"Yes, yes, yes." She squealed excitedly. "But if it gets too graphic I will shut my ears. I respect your privacy." I raised my eyebrows. "Ok, yes, I did to a background search but I respect the privacy of your sex life."

"Good enough." I shrugged and pulled out my phone, clicking on "Wifey💍🥵" and hitting the call button. I put her on speaker and looked at Penelope.

"Hey honey what's up?"

"Nothing just wanted to talk to you." I made my voice sound low and slightly suggestive. "Is that a problem?"

"No." I heard a door close from her end.

"Are you alone?"

"Yes I am." I could hear her smile in her voice. I raised my eyebrows to Penelope, signaling that it was gonna get sexual.

"Are you?"

"Yea ma'am."

"Why'd you call me?"

"I missed you."

"Hm. What did you miss?" She asked me.

"Your smile...your face, your hugs." I said in a low voice. "Your fingers...and your tongue."

"I'm right here baby." She said huskily.

"It's not the same."

"Well, can you wait until tomorrow? I'll be home honey."

"I don't think I can."

"You know what happens if you don't."


"Behave yourself." She told me before hanging up.

"You're about to get it when she gets home." I shrugged.

"An amazing night of rough sex is worth it."

"Y/n!" Penelope squealed.


"You know what never mind." She turned back to her computers.

"She's really good." I told her.

"I can tell."

"What?" I gave her a shocked look.

"So the days that you come into work all happy and you get coffee for everyone, that's not because you got laid?"

"Oh. I didn't know it was noticeable."

"Yeah. We all bet how many rounds you went."

"And how do you know?" I said, not mad at all, just finding this amusing.

"By when the happiness wears off. If you only went 1, it wears off around one, 2, two, 3, three and so on."

"How do you know that's accurate."

"This past Monday. Six rounds right." My face went red. "Yup. The system works." I dropped my gaze to the floor.

"That's embarrassing."

I waited for JJ at our house the next night, sitting on the couch in her hoodie and sweats and a messy bun. Once she came through the door she immediately pounced on me, kissing me hungrily. I smiled into the kiss but backed away when she started to take my clothes off. She noticed my hesitance and stopped. "You ok?"

"Yeah, just not in the mood right now."

"Ok." She nodded and got off of me. "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, just because I don't want to have sex doesn't mean I'm not ok."

"I'm not saying that, it's just you have that look on your face like you're embarrassed about something. And I really wanna know because usually it's funny."

"The morning after know."

"Have sex?"


"What about it?" She looked so confused.

"The whole team can tell how many rounds we went based on what time my happiness wears off."

"You didn't know that?" I just stared at her in disbelief before getting up and shutting myself in the bedroom. She walked in behind me though and sat down next to me. "It's not a bad thing."

"I know but it's embarrassing." I whined, holding my head in my hands. "I don't want anyone to know that much about our sex life but you and me. And they can just read me like that." I snapped my fingers.

"I didn't know it upset you that much." I could tell she was holding in a laugh.

"Oh just laugh, you couldn't care less." I pushed her hand off of my leg.

"Honey, I care. But I seriously thought you knew." She pulled me onto her lap.

"I don't want to go to work ever again."

"You've gone to work with them knowing and it's fine." I shrugged and she laughed again. "Ok come on you big whiny baby, let's get you to bed." She said, getting us situated under the covers and pulled me against her. "It's fine." She assured me, sensing that I was still embarrassed. "It's adorable really."

"No it's not."

"To me it is." I brought my head up and glared at her. She kissed my nose to make me smile. "Good night."

"Good night."

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now