You Pretend To Fall Asleep On Her

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JJ sprawled her legs across the couch, phone in hand. I smiled and got my blanket from our room. I had an idea. I was going to pretend to fall asleep on her to see what she did.

I lied on top of her and rested my head on her stomach, curling up. She started to gently play with my hair. "Hey honey."


"How are you?"

"I'm are you?" I asked quietly.

"I'm good too." She brushed my hair out of my face and started to massage my head gently. I let my whole body relax and let my breathing get more slow and even. She didn't notice it for a few minutes but eventually did. "Baby?" She whispered. I didn't answer. She adjusted the blanket so it was covering my shoulders and she put her phone down on the coffee table.

I could feel her staring at me with a small smile on her face. "I love you." She whispered. "You look so cute like this." It was hard not to smile. I pretend to adjust a little bit and moved my head up so it was on her chest. "I just want to hug and kiss you all over." I could barely hear her anymore she was talking so quietly. She placed her hand on my back and grabbed my hand gently with her other one, caressing my hand.

Five minutes later I lifted my head up and opened my eyes slowly. "Good morning." She said with a smile.

"Mm, shut up." She kissed my forehead and I nuzzled my head into her neck. She put her arms around me and held me securely against her. "Hand." She laughed and held my hand, only having one arm around me. I was actually starting to get tired now.



"Can you play with my hair?" She kissed the top of my head and did as I asked, I fell asleep for real this time, not able to hear a word she said.

I woke up an hour later. I stretched out my legs and yawned. JJ had her phone out, she had stopped playing with my hair but was still holding my hand. I pushed her arm down gently and cuddled up to her even more, wrapping my arms around her torso and tangling our legs together. "You're very cuddly today." She said quietly, rubbing my back.


"It's very adorable." I blushed and held her tighter like I never wanted to let go, because I really didn't.

"You're warm." I slid my hand up her shirt and rested my hand on her stomach. I caressed it and widened my eyes when I felt her abs.


"Nothing. You're just...really toned." She laughed and kissed my forehead.

"It's not like you haven't seen it before."

"Yeah but I've never like...touched it." I ran my hands all over her stomach and kissed her neck.

"Just sleep honey." She pulled my hand away and put it on her chest.

"I'm not tired anymore. But I still wanna stay like this."

"I know you do."

"I love you."

"I know."

"Don't you love me?" I asked, wanting her to say it back.

"I do." I looked up at her with a pout.

"Say it." She kissed my pout away and mumbled against my lips.

"I love you." I smiled once she said it and then nuzzled my head back into her neck. "You're so cute, I just want to squeeze you."

"I'm not a puppy."

"You're cuter than a puppy." I blushed and she messed up my hair. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

"It's ok." I hummed and squeezed her hand. She started to caress it and kissed my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you more."

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now