She's My Mom ⚠️

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⚠️ ABUSE ⚠️

I sighed and put down my phone after my text from my mom, basically telling me that I was the worst daughter ever and I deserved everything bad in the world. She also told me to kill myself and that she wished JJ was abusive because then I would actually get the pain I deserved. She also told me that nobody loved me, even JJ which sounded insane but I was starting to believe it. "Who was that from?" Spence said as he walked over.

"No one." I shook my head and opened a file.

"Ok, well, JJ and I were going to go out to lunch today and we were wondering if you wanted to join?"

"Why? So I don't feel like you're stealing my wife." I joked. "I don't really feel like going, sorry Spence. Have fun with JJ."

"She really wants you to go."

"Well, just tell her that I don't feel like it, ok?"

"Ok." He turned on his heel and walked away but was intercepted by JJ.

"I told you to not let her say no." She whispered, not quietly enough for me not to hear.

"I can hear you." JJ walked over to me.

"Come to lunch."

"I don't want to." I rolled my eyes as my phone vibrated. I picked it up and saw that it was from my mom, repeating what she had said in the first text. "Ok. Fine. I'll go." I got up and walked out with both of them, down the street to a small diner. I sat down at the table and I felt anger and hopelessness bubble up in my chest as my phone continued to vibrate every couple minutes.

"Who's texting you?" JJ asked.

"No one." I huffed. Spence looked at us awkwardly. "Why did you two invite me anyways? I thought this was your thing."

"Ok...but Spence and I wanted to check up on you, and as your wife and Spence as your best friend, we wanted to do it together."

"What do tou mean? Check up on me?"

"You've been distant lately." JJ replied.

"No I haven't."

"Yes you have and...we want you to know that you can talk to us about anything." Spence said softly.

"I'm not having this conversation." I got up and left, walking the mile back to JJ and my's house.

I sat down on our bed and read through the messages, my chest clenching more after every word. I got an incoming call from JJ and tossed my phone to the floor and curled up into a ball, feeling worthless, not caring to pick up the phone as it continued to ring for the next ten minutes.

Twenty minutes later I heard the front door open. I recognized JJ's footsteps. She opened the bedroom door and sighed. "You can't just run off like that and not tell anyone where you're going."

"Who cares?"

"I care."

"Yeah right."

"I do." She put her hand on my waist and pulled me onto my back so I was looking up at her. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to do this right now."


"Because I already have enough things going on right now, ok? I don't need to have an hour long sit down conversation where I'm stressed the whole time because I don't want to say something that's going to make you think of me differently."

"What's going on?"

"It doesn't matter, ok?"

"It does-"

"Just leave me alone JJ." I rolled back on my side.

"I can't do that honey."

"Why not?"

"Because I care about you and I hate that somethings bothering you and you feel like you can't talk to me about it." She got behind me and put her arm over my waist. "I know you don't feel like talking right now but I know you love cuddles." I smiled slightly to myself.

We stayed there for about twenty minutes until I took a deep breath. "It's my mom." I whispered. She slid her hand under my shirt and caressed my stomach. "She hates me. She wishes you were abusive so were hurting. She's trying to convince me that you don't love me. She doesn't want me to be happy and she wants me to kill myself."

"Did she text you all of this?" I nodded. "You should really block her."

"She's my mom."

"That doesn't matter. No one should be talking to you that way." I turned around in her arms. "Do you believe anything she says."

"I don't know. I didn't before she told me but now I'm just confused."

"Don't believe anything she says. None of it's true, ok?" She kissed my forehead.

"I just wish my mom actually loved me." She held me tighter and pressed another loving kiss to my forehead after hearing that. "At least I have you." I whispered. I felt her body relax when I said that. "I'm really glad I have you." I added.

"Me too."

"I'm sorry that I ran off."

"It's ok, just don't do it again. I was worried."

"Ok." She kissed my forehead one last time. "Do you need anything else? I'm here if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"Just being like this is good."

"Good." She rubbed my back and rested her chin on top of my head. "I love you, don't doubt that."

"Ok. I love you too."

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