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I woke up in what looked to be a dark basement. I was tied to a cold metal chair and I was in nothing but a bra and panties. There were deep cuts all over my body that looked like they had just healed. My head was pounding and my heart was racing, my
entire body hurt. My breathing started to pick up when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Y/n Jareau." I heard a man's voice and I froze, trying to hide the fact that I was scared. "Do you know why you're here?" The unfamiliar man walked in front of me and knelt down.

"No." I whimpered.

"She's scared." He laughed. "The FBI Agent is scared." I clenched my jaw tightly as I tried not to cry. He smacked me in the face and then squeezed it tightly. "Tell me you're scared." I shook my head. "ADMIT YOU'RE SCARED OR I'LL KILL YOU."

"I'm scared." A sob finally escaped my lips and tears slipped out of my eyes.

"Weak bitch." He punched me in the face and everything went black.

"They're not gonna save you." I woke up when I heard a deep voice in my ear. My throat was burning and it was an unsettling pain I had never felt before. "They're here but they're not gonna save you." I heard a gun click and my body froze. No. No. I couldn't die. I didn't want to die. Someone help please.

"Stop. Stop. No. Please don't kill me, please don't kill me!" I pleaded. "I'll do anything. I swear, I'll do anything!" I just wanted to see JJ one last time.

"FBI, put the gun down." I heard Morgan's voice and I felt a spark of hope in my chest.

"Not gonna happen." I heard a small laugh and then a gunshot. I flinched, waiting for a world of pain and then for it to go black. But it didn't. I heard a thud next to me and I looked over, seeing my kidnapper dead on the ground with a shot to the head.

"It's going to be ok. It's going to be ok." I heard Morgan's voice as he untied me.

"Is JJ here?" I asked between sobs.

"Yes, she should be on her way in." I nodded and ran up the stairs as fast as I could.

I ran outside the house and sprinted to her as soon as I saw her. She was taking her gun out of her holster and I jumped onto her, wrapping my arms around her neck. She froze for a second but then hugged me tightly. "Hi honey."

"Hi." I sobbed.

"Don't let go. Please don't let go."

"I won't honey. I promise." I felt her nod, probably signaling to Hotch or someone else. I felt my legs buckle underneath me as I fell to the ground. "Woah, honey, stand up."

"I can't Jayje." I tried to stand up but my legs were too weak. She knelt down in front of me and put her hands under my arms, trying to help me stand up. I was starting to get dizzy and I doubled over slightly, my head hitting her chest.

"Medic! We need a medic!" JJ yelled.

"Don't let go. Don't let go." I whimpered before everything went black.

I woke up in an ambulance, hyperventilating. I tried to sit up but a pair of hands pushed me down. I looked around the compartment and saw three EMT's and JJ who was staring at me with a worried face. "Let me get up!" I was sort of claustrophobic and the fact that I was being forced to stay in the same position was making it even worse. "Let me get up!" I repeated. I was still half naked but I didn't really care.

They finally let me sit up and I turned to look at JJ. "What happened? Why am I in here?"

"You were poisoned." JJ said.

"Poisoned?" The idea made my stomach lurch and I gagged. Is that why my throat was burning?

"They found traces of someone's blood in your stomach." That's when I threw up. All over the floor. Repeatedly.

After a couple minutes I stopped, feeling like my stomach was completely empty. I stared at the ground and started sobbing. I felt JJ's hand on my back as she rubbed it in small circles. "It's ok. It's ok." She whispered. I shook my head and hit my legs.

"Stop. Stop doing that." JJ grabbed my hands and stopped me from hitting myself.

"We're going to have to put her back under anesthesia." I heard an EMT say. A minute later everything went black again.

I woke up in a hospital bed with the head monitor beeping quickly. I ripped off my hospital gown and saw the deep cuts on my stomach that were definitely going to scar. I sobbed when I saw them and JJ rushed over to me. "Hey hey. Shh. Hey, it's ok." I pinched my wrists so hard they bled and then I moved my fingers a couple centimeters to the side so I can still pinch. "Don't do that. Hey, don't do that." She said sternly once I didn't stop.

"Make it stop." I sobbed once she pulled my hands apart. I pulled away from her to start hitting my head, trying to get the pain and the memories out of my head.

"Stop. Honey stop! Don't do that!" Her voice got louder and she grabbed my hands forcefully again.

"Leave me alone JJ."

"I'm not going to do that right now."


"Because you're going to hurt yourself." I bit my lip at her words and she started wiping the blood off of my wrists. "What is it?" She stopped and looked up at me.


"Y/n." I leaned forward and rested my forehead against her chest. "What is it honey?" I shook my head and put my arms around her waist. She sighed and rubbed my back. "It's going to be ok." I shook my head again. "It is. It's going to be ok."

"Ok." I whispered, not wanting to fight with her right now.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now