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I woke up naked, almost falling off of the bed. The alarm was blaring in my ears and I groaned. "Why'd you keep us up so late?" I asked JJ in a tired whisper.

"It takes two to tango sweetheart." She reminded me, reaching for me. Once she found me back she rolled me over and then kissed me passionately. "You look really worn out, I guess I did my job huh?" I nodded and widened my eyes.

"Fuck! I forgot to buy more concealer!" I covered my face in my hands. She laughed and dropped her forehead to my shoulder.

"I guess we can stay in bed a little longer since you can skip that part of your morning routine." I shook my head and stood up, covering myself with the blanket. "I've seen you naked before y/n." She said, rolling off on the other side. I dropped the blanket and dug through our dresser, getting clothes and putting them on. "Why are you in such a rush honey?" She asked, hugging me from behind.

"I'm anxious and I need to move."

"Why are you anxious?"

"Because Hotch is literally going to kill me when I show up to work with six fucking hickeys JJ!" I exclaimed. "Sorry." I whispered. "It's not you, I'm just anxious."

"It's ok." She kissed my cheek.

"You could've just made them somewhere else." I said, wriggling out of her grasp.

"But what's the fun in that?"

"Can you get ready? I want to get my coffee please."

"Ok fine Ms. Grumpypants." I smiled to myself at her nickname and she slapped my ass before going to the bathroom to brush her teeth and put on makeup.

I was nervously playing with my wedding ring as I walked into the office. "Nice bruises you got there y/n." Morgan said, laughing. I looked at JJ and she looked like she was about to burst out laughing.

"Thanks Morgan." I huffed and walked to my desk.

"Y/n. JJ. Come see me in my office." Hotch ordered.

We walked into Hotch's office, my heart pounding. "Could you two please sit down."

"I'm so sorry Hotch, I didn't have concealer and I had no way to hide it-"

"Calm down y/n." He said with a small smile. "You two aren't in big trouble for this, but I would like to recommend that you two, when you get some...alone time, this is especially JJ here, that you choose to show your love and admiration for each other on other parts of the body."

"Ok. I can do that." JJ said, smiling at me.

"Ok, now that I have that image in my head, go away." We both got up and walked out. I glared at JJ and she just smiled. This was a really embarrassing day.

Once we got home and were back in our bedroom I flopped down on the bed on my back. "Hey...I've been thinking about what Hotch said." She lied down next to me on her side and fiddled with the hem of my shirt. "And I think we should try it out." I smiled.

"Sure. Just no..."

"No what?" She lifted my shirt up and looked at me.

"No sex though, ok?"

"Ok." She nodded and started kissing my stomach softly, caressing the skin just above it. I let out a content sigh as I sat up on my elbows, watching as she made her marks. Once she lifted her head up she looked at the first one proudly and kissed it. "Can I do more?" She asked eagerly.

"Yeah." I lifted my shirt up even more to give her more access. She immediately attached her lips to my skin again and began sucking. I bit my lip as I watched her, leaving 10...15...20, shit now I lost count. I pulled my shirt up even higher to reveal my bra and half exposed breasts. She smiled and kissed my lips.

"Can I?" She asked eagerly. I nodded and she started leaving hickeys on the tops of my breasts, leaving only two or three on each and then kissing my lips again. "There." She sad back and admired her work.

"That's a shit ton." I said, looking down at my stomach. "But I'm not complaining." We both smiled and shared a sweet kiss.

The next day at work I was in the break room making some bacon on the stove. Thank God they had a stove I was dying of hunger and also craving bacon. But..it was a gas stove and one of the flames must've caught my shirt and Morgan was rushing over to me. "Y/n, you're on fire!" He yelled. I ripped off my blouse and put it on the ground, stomping on it. Everyone rushed into the room and saw me in my bra with all the hickeys. JJ walked in and smiled with a glint in her eye. "Goddamn. It's everyday with you two isn't it?"

"At least you two listened." Hotch said with a sigh, turning around and leaving once he was that I was ok. I looked desperately at JJ with a blush I wasn't sure would ever go away.

"Don't be embarrassed y/n. They look good on you." She said, walking over to me and rubbing my arms, shielding me from their view but still teasing me.

"Um...do you have an extra shirt?" I looked around nervously.


"Can we wait for them to leave?" She nodded and snuck in a kiss. I smiled. "Hm. I'm excited for tonight."

"I am too." She said with raised eyebrows. "If it is what I think it is?"

"It is." She kissed me again. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now