It's Your Birthday!

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I woke up when JJ jumped onto my back. "Wake up honey!" I groaned and checked the time, seeing that it was 9. "Happy birthday!" She kissed me and I smiled against her lips.

"Thank you." I put my arms around her neck and pulled her in for a hug that only lasted a couple seconds.

"I got you some things for this morning. Presents aren't till later though, ok?" I nodded and sat up. "I got up early to go to Starbucks, I got you you're iced peppermint mocha, and I made crepes!" She reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a plate of crepes.

"Thank you baby." I said, looking at her while my heart swelled up. I took a bite out of one of the crepes and it tasted so goddamn good. "How did you learn to cook like this?"

"That's a story for another day." She kissed my cheek and put her hand on my arm, squeezing my bicep and then kissing my cheek again before resting her head on my shoulder.

"What do you have on the agenda for today?" I asked her.

"Well, I know you don't like big parties and events, so everything's here."

"I love you so much. Thank you." She laughed and kissed the corner of my mouth before I continued to eat.

"There's obviously presents, and snuggles and kisses." I blushed as she kissed the corner of my mouth again. "I made a cake for you, and for lunch we can have whatever you want." I finished my crepes and turned to face her, wrapping arms around her and burying my face in her chest, taking advantage of the cuddles. "Happy birthday." She said again.

"Thank you."

"I love you." I lifted my head up for a kiss.

"I love you too Jayje." I gave her a goofy smile.

"Time for your first present." She said, reaching over to her nightstand drawer and pulling out a small box. I smiled at her and opened it. It was a small jar filled with little folded notecards.

"What's on the notecards?" I asked, unscrewing the lid.

"Don't read them now because it's going to defeat the point, but they're just little encouraging notes for you to read when you're not feeling great. Basically reminding you how strong you are and that I love you."

"Thank you Jayje." I was tearing up.

"Are those good tears?" She gave me a worried look and I nodded.

"Yes they're good tears." I put the jar somewhere where it wouldn't be crush and threw my arms around her again, nuzzling my face into her neck. "Can it be snuggle time now?"

"Every second is snuggle time honey, you don't even have to ask that." She lifted the blankets up over us and kissed my forehead a few times, causing me to blush and smile. I reached for her hand and laced our fingers together. "You're so adorable. I could kiss your face forever." I smiled. "Believe me, I will do it."

"I know you will."

"But right now I just want to cuddle you." She squeezed me and ran her fingertips over my arm. My whole body relaxed and I could feel her smile radiating off of her. "I have other plans for later you know." She told me in a low voice.

"You do?" I looked up at her through my lashes.

"Mhm." I raised my head to kiss her again and she kissed all over my face. I blushed and giggled at the feeling. After she was done I moved so my nose was pressed against her cheek. I could feel her smiling. We stayed there for a good two hours before anyone said anything else.

"Do you want me to order lunch."

"I want to stay here with you." I put my hand on the side of her face and tilted it so that she could kiss me.

"Ok, we can do whatever you want birthday girl." I smiled and kissed her again.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Thank you for today."

"It's not even over yet."

"I know, but thank you."

"Of course honey." She kissed my forehead. "I love you so much." I smiled.

"I love you too."

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now