Take Care Of Yourself ⚠️

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I slammed on the gas as I chased our unsub. Rossi and JJ's car was following me. "Y/n slow down!" JJ yelled through our communicative radio.

"We need to catch them."

"We can't catch them if your dead." I turned my radio off and turned the sharp corner, my car almost flipping over. I'm sure JJ was screaming into the radio right now, pleading and needing me to slow down but I tried not to think about that right now.

The car I was chasing slammed down on the brakes and I mostly stopped in time but the car still crashed a little bit. I wasn't hurt but I got out of the car and shot two of the cars tires. I went to the drivers side door and saw that no one was there, I checked the backseat and no one was there. Fuck.

JJ and Rossi's car pulled up behind me and I holstered my gun. "What the hell were you thinking?" JJ yelled, running over to me. "There was nobody in the fucking car and you still risked your life for it!" I had never heard her curse at me before.

"I didn't know anybody was in the car." I matched her tone.

"Did you not hear Rossi and I tell you ten times?"

"No, I turned off my radio." She glared at me.

"Why would you turn off your radio?" She was mad. Mad mad. Super mad like steam was coming out of her ears. "You know what, I'm done. There's no use talking to you right now." She turned around and got back into her and Rossi's car, slamming her car door. Rossi raised his eyebrows and I shrugged.

"I admire the commitment, but we need you alive y/n. Come on, your car is toast." I sighed and got into the backseat of his car. The tension was thick and JJ didn't look at me once.

"Why are we at the hotel?" I asked him once the car stopped.

"I think you should take a break."

"I can take a break at the station."

"You've been at the station the past 48 hours with 3 hours of sleep." I huffed and stepped out of the car, walking up the stairs of the hotel to JJ and I's room, taking a shower with steaming water, watching as the water turned my skin red.

I stepped out once I couldn't take the heat any longer and put on a shirt and sweatpants. I opened the bathroom door and saw JJ sitting on the bed. "Geez how hot was that water?" She asked, still a bit stern. I ignored her and started brushing my hair. "Honey, can I talk to you for a second?" Her voice was softer.



"I don't feel like getting yelled at for 20 minutes. And I think that's perfectly respectable." I got under the covers and turned on my side, facing away from her.

"I'm not going to yell at you."

"Ok. Whatever. I don't wanna talk."


"Just leave me alone." I stole her pillow and put it over my ear so I couldn't hear her.

"It's important." She took the pillow off of my head. I heard the urgency in her voice and I sighed, turning onto my back.

"Ok. Talk."

"I've been really worried about you recently. I mean, I know you're clean and stuff and you say that you're past it but the way you've been behaving the past month...it's just...it's making me worried babe." I showed her my wrists and pulled the covers off of me, showing her my thighs and my stomach.

"There's nothing there."

"I know honey...but...the car chase." She said delicately, not knowing how I was going to react. "Even if there was someone in there, you wouldn't have been that reckless two months ago." I stayed silent. "And...the shower water. Your skin is practically burned." She touched my arm gently.

"It doesn't hurt."

"But it did?"

"It did." I confirmed. She lied down on her side and put her hand on my chest.

"You can talk to me."


"So...can you talk to me?"

"I think you got everything covered. I'm not hurting myself anymore but I'm basically doing the same exact thing through actions instead of actually...physically hurting myself." I turned onto my side so we were face to face. I put my hands in front of my chest and she linked our pinkies together.

"I'm always here for you." She whispered.

"I know." I wanted to say more but I couldn't.

"I feel like you're holding something back."

"It's just been hard. The past year...the past year I've been so strong, but now it's all turning to shit." She kissed my forehead and then looked at me again.

"You can always talk to me if you need."

"I know." I pressed our foreheads together.

"Ok. Good. Because I don't want you to be silently suffering."

"I don't want to either."

"Just...take care of yourself, ok?"

"I'll try."

"You don't have to do it alone."

"Thank you." I smiled softly.

"Anytime babe." She kissed my forehead again.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now