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Patton added Virgil, Logan, and Roman to a group chat.

Patton- Hi everyone❤❤

Logan- Salutaions Patton. Why did you add us in a group chat, when we are all sitting in the same room?

Patton- bc I wanted to🙂

Virgil- whats with all the emojis

Logan- And bad grammar?

Roman- greetings everyone!

Patton- hi Roman. So what is everyone up to?

Logan- we are all sitting in the common room, clearly texting one another, at this moment in time.

Patton- come on Logan, be happy

Logan- Well I am always happy when I talk to you.

Virgil- im sensing a crush

Roman- so am I

Logan- hmm, why would you say that?

Roman- bc u said that u are always happy when u talk to Patton, as of u are flirting

Roman- if*

Logan- Is something wrong with Patton? He is sitting right next to me and he looks quite red. Is he sick?

Patton- im fine

Virgil- he is just embarrassed

Logan- From what?

Roman- bc of u

Logan- You all have such bad grammar.

Patton- Sorry Logan, I will try and work on that. Just to make you happy. ❤❤

Logan- Why, that is very thoughtful of you Patton.

Virgil- u 2 would be a really cute couple, u should date

Roman- i agree

Virgil- look how red Pattons face is, ur so cute Patton

Logan- He is cute, isnt he?

Patton- ....

Logan- what is the matter, Patton?

Roman- OMG! U called him cute!

Logan- I was just stating facts

Virgil- my statement still stands, logan ask him out now

Patton- Will u guys shut up, please😳

Logan- Are you okay, would you like a comforting hug?

Roman- u should definitely hug him

Virgil- go for it


Logan set his phone aside, no longer paying attention to it. He looked over to Patton and moved to the opposite side of the couch so he was sat next to Patton. 
Patton turned his phone towards Logan, showing him a few pictures. Eventually the two were laughing and talking to one another. Logan hadn't thought twice about it before putting his arm behind Patton's waist and pulling him closer to him, continuing to pay attention to the phone in Patton's hand. 

Patton stopped scrolling, the tips of his ears turned red and the color in his cheeks soon matched.
"Patton. You're red again. Are you alright?" Logan pointed out, lightly poking Patton's cheek.
"Yup! I'm a-okay!" Patton shook his head, his hair tickling Logan's neck. He continued to scroll.
Logan smirked, placing his hand on Patton's cheek on turning his head so he could look into his light-brown eyes.
"You are adorable." 

"Uhhh- T-Thank you! Thanks Logan." Patton's cheeks flushed and he looked back down at his phone. Logan let the conversation drop there.

Logan looked up at the two on the other couch. He unlocked his phone and began to text the group chat. 

Logan- Why are the two of you laughing?

Virgil- No reason

Roman- Yup, no reason at all.

Patton- So, are you 2 dating? or are you just teasing me so the attention is no longer on you?

Logan chuckled as the other two blushed. Patton looked up at Logan with a smile, feeing prideful after he managed to make him laugh.

Logan- That was well deserved.

Roman- You guys wanna watch a movie? 

Virgil- sure, as long as its a horror movie

All phones were put down and Virgil hopped up off the couch and grabbed a movie to put on. Patton hopped up as well and went to make popcorn - shortly returning. 

Patton skipped back into the common room, handing a bowl to Roman so he and Virgil could share and he took the other to the couch where Logan sat. Logan was sat against the arm of the couch, his focus on the tv while the movie Virgil put on started. 
Patton sat next to Logan, leaning into his side and snuggled closer to him after Logan put his arm around his waist and held him closer. It was as if Patton fit perfectly in Logan's embrace.

As the movie played, the more Patton started to become tense - he was never really one for horror movies.
"Are you alright?" Logan asked, his voice no louder than a whisper. Patton looked up at him, slowly realizing that he was trembling. Out of fear or because of the cold, he did not know. 

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine Logan." Patton smiled softly, not fooling Logan in the slightest. Logan sighed, wrapping his other arm around Patton's waist and pulling Patton into his lap. He resting his chin on Patton's shoulder and continued talking.
"I know you're lying. You always repeat yourself when you lie. You also get noticeably more nervous. Your eyes dilate and the tips of your ears turn the lightest shade of pink. So remember that you can't get away with lying when you're talking to me." Patton's blush was not unnoticeable to everyone else in the room. 
"I...um. I'm sorry. I won't lie again."

It didn't take long for Patton to relax in Logan's arms. His back leaned against Logan's chest and soon his eyes fell shut. His breathing evened out and he was fast asleep. 

The credits of the movie started and that was when Logan noticed the glares of the others. 

"What? What are you two looking at?" Logan snapped, glaring at the others. 

"Hmm? Oh, nothing." Roman hummed, he looked away from Logan, his eyes focused on Virgil as he ran his hands through his boyfriend's hair. 

"Don't lie to me." Logan's voice was flat, catching Virgil's attention.
"We just think that you should suck it up and ask Patton out." 

"Maybe I will. But not right now." 

"And why's that?" Roman asked.

"He is sleeping." 

"Oh." Virgil understood, dropping the subject for the time being.


Original: May 20, 2018

Edited: April 23, 2020

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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