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Virgil steadily walked home from work, it had just turned dark and his house was a few blocks down. The only thoughts that reassured him he was safe, was the mere fact that he'd get to see Roman, his husband, when he walked through the door. He looked up when he saw a flash of a light. 
The street light. It was simply the street light, automatically coming on because it became too dark.

Virgil turned a corner, he glanced down a dark ally, it looked like the gateway to hell. Virgil felt a shiver run down his back. One step after the other. He continued on. 

He kept his head down, that was, until he heard shuffling. His eyes were quick to follow the noise, when he noticed a man hunched over in an ally. His conscience couldn't leave him there. He hesitantly walked forwards, kneeling down to see if he was alright. 

"Excuse me..." The man looked up. Virgil couldn't help but notice the burn mark across half his face. His eyes were green - almost yellow - and a sly smile rose on his face. Virgil tried to stand up but the man grabbed his wrist and pulled him down to the ground.

"Nice of you to visit me." The man stood up, soon to be followed after Virgil. Virgil wanted to run but he couldn't. He was pushed against a brick wall, the man's forearm pressed against his throat. He found it hard to breath. 

Virgil didn't twice before his hands reached into his pocket and he pulled out a pocket knife. It was about a five inch knife. He jabbed it into the mans chest. He knew it wasn't long enough to puncture his heart, he knew it'd need to be at least seven inches to even grace the heart. 

The man fell to the ground, his knees hitting the concrete. 
Virgil booked it. 

He could hear the slightly sluggish shuffling behind him. He was being followed, the faster he ran the louder the steps behind him became. The man was getting faster, Virgil wasn't going to make it home in time. He didn't think it was possible.

He saw his house in the distance, he saw his porch light. 

"Get back here, you little fucker!" The man behind him yelled, Virgil's heart jumped and he ran faster than he had been before. He turned into his drive way and fumbled with his keys, he was banging on the door as he looked for the right one.

A second later and Roman was at the door. Virgil pushed him aside and slammed the door closed, locking it in the process. 

Roman glanced over Virgil's disheveled appearance. He was extra pale and out of breath. His hair was a mess and his eyes were dilated. 

"Virgil? What happened?" 

The room filled with silence. Virgil made direct eye contact and held it, catching his breath before he answered. 

"I stabbed a man." 

"Wha-?" Before Roman could get the word out their was bang on the door, as if someone ran into it. Virgil screamed and backed away from the door. 

Roman looked at the door and back to Virgil. He opened the door. 
"What the hell Roman?!" Virgil went to close the door closed again but Deceit was already in the house and over Virgil. 

"Get the hell away from him." Roman grabbed at the back of the man's shirt and yanked him off of Virgil. "What the fuck happened?" Roman glared at the man. Noticing the blood soaked shirt and the knife in the center of his chest. 

"This bitch came up to me and then pulled a knife out!" The man's voice roared throughout the house, causing Virgil to jump back. Roman rolled his eyes and slammed the man against the wall. 
"He wouldn't do that. Virgil what happened?" 

"He was sitting in an ally and when I walked over he threw me against the wall and my instinct was to pull out the knife because I felt that I was in danger." Virgil walked over to Roman and hugged on his arm. 
"One or Two?" Roman asked the man."


"Answer the damn question!" 


"Virgil, get the gun, dear." Virgil nodded and walked over to the kitchen, pulling out a gun from the drawer. He stood a good distanced in front of the man, cocked the gun, and shot. Watching as he slid down the wall. Roman smiled and kissed the top of Virgil's head. 

Little did the man know, those two were psychopaths. 


So I had a writing assignment at school, and I wrote this little story and switched the names up. I know this is out of character for Roman and Virgil but I had more backstory to the characters I used in my story and didn't feel it necessary to add it to the story.

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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