Junior High

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Another high school Au because why not

Virgil wandered the crowded halls. He was on his way to his locker as he tried his hardest to avoided any eye contact with anyone, especially sense he was the new kid that looked edgy, no one wanted to talk to him. 
He took a sharp turn and ran right into the most popular guy in the school; Roman Prince. And of course his posse was right behind him. 

Virgil ended up falling back, the sudden contact scaring him and making him tense up and lose balance. Roman tried to lean down and help him up but Virgil backed away until he hit the lockers. His eyes were going all over the place as he glanced from person to person. 
"Look at this monster." One of Roman's friends gestured to Virgil's eyeshadow, slightly making fun of him. 
"He doesn't know who he is yet." Another person spoke up, lightly teasing and pointing out the emo aesthetic that Virgil gave off. 

"Hey," Roman glanced up behind him and shot a death glare at the people behind him. "You alright? I didn't mean to knock you over." Virgil forgot how to breathe for a second as he continued to look around, Roman tried his best to focus on Virgil's eyes, noticing the scared expression imbedded into them.

"He doesn't know how to communicate, he's not worth your time."

"His mind is in a different place." Roman snapped his fingers in Virgil's face, just barely getting his attention. "Would everybody please just give him a little bit of space?" Roman stood up and pushed everyone back a little. He hesitantly reached a hand out and lightly placed his over Virgil's, Virgil tried to back away, he couldn't tell who was in front of him or if someone was trying to talk to him. His only sense that was left was touch, it was all he could comprehend. 
"G-go away!" Virgil tried to hide his face, his knees involuntarily going up to his chest, trying to close in on himself.

Roman didn't know what to do, but that he needed to do something before a crowd formed and put the teenager on edge once again. He thought through his decision before turning around and dismissing the group that was making fun of the bean to begin with. He glared at them all and gave them a look that let them know that he was not okay with their actions in the slightest. 

Once the group left he quickly picked Virgil up and walked to the nearest bathroom. The sudden sense of touch scared Virgil to no end and the light wind from walking fast freaked him out. He could tell that he was moving but he didn't trust that it was safe. His eyes were closed tight and his cheeks were stained from tears and he was trying his hardest to push away from Roman...yet at the same time he had clutched onto Roman's shirt and wouldn't let go.
When Roman got into the bathroom he locked the door and tried to place Virgil on the counter. That was when Roman had noticed the tight grasp that Virgil had on him. 

Virgil didn't care who it was anymore. The person that was with him was stuck with him. The person that was with him was warm and comforting and he was there. He let Virgil know that he wasn't dead, this source of warmth was what was grounding him and making him feel semi-safe. 

Roman didn't know what to do beyond that point, he sat down on the ground and leaned against the tiled wall and let Virgil lean on his chest. He was shaking a bit and Roman still had no idea what to do, he just knew he couldn't leave him alone. Not at the moment at least. 

"It's gonna be alright, you didn't do anything wrong...I've never really had to help someone go through a panic attack before, I'm assuming that's what this is, I'm sorry if it isn't because I know I shouldn't assume things, especially like this. I'm Roman...by the way, Roman Prince. You might've heard of me, maybe not, I don't know, I just know that I've never seen you around which must mean you're new because I know practically everyone in the school, including the teachers and who's related to who. I'd say I knew everyone's birthdays too but I'm not good with dates, no, if you needed to know someone's birthday you can go to Patton for that. Patton Sanders is the one who knows everyone and everyone's birthdays and everything there is to know about everyone, he's a real people person and gets to know everyone..." Roman continued to ramble on, he was rambling so much that he didn't even realize that Virgil's gasp for air had stopped. 

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