Dealt With (Part 2)

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TW: Sexual Abuse, Blood, Minor Swearing, Physical abuse

The sides all went down to the dark sides area, Deceit holding Patton close to him. Roman and Virgil were holding hands, Roman not wanting Remus to get anywhere near his Virgil. Logan was walking in front of everyone, leading them down the hall and stopping at Remus' room. 

"Wait, hold on. I hear something." Logan held a hand up and everyone stopped, listening through the door that was slightly cracked opened. 

"Rem, I'm fucked." Remus voice sounded strained, which was off for the side. 
"Yeah, you are. You're a bitch, I kinda hate you right now." 
"I know." 

The room fell silent, footsteps could be hear - as if someone was pacing.

Deceit was the first to to step forward, he knew Remus the best and thought he could get him to understand what he did was incredibly wrong.

The door opened and Deceit caught Remus' eyes. He wasn't wearing his shirt and his hair was mussed up. The bags under his eyes were evident in the bright room. His eyes widened when he saw Deceit and the others standing outside his door. He seemed to be a bruised up, but that could've been from anything.
"I know! I fucking know! I'm sorry." Remus ran his hands through his hair, looking down at the floor, his voice sounded so insincere. Deceit glanced over at Remy who was sitting on the floor with a coffee in his hands. 
"You're sorry?!" Deceit growled, looking back over to Remus. 
"Yes! I wasn't thinking, I was drunk! I didn't know what I was doing until Patton left my room!" 

Deceit walked further into the room, everyone else following, except Patton - he stood at the doorway, not bothering to go in as he looked around the room, fear filling his head as he noticed the messed up bedsheets and the discarder clothes that belonged to Remus. 
"That doesn't give you any excuse for what you did to him!" Remus sighed, bending down to picked up a tank top, throwing it on quickly.
"I fucking know that! I'll make it up to him." Remus waved him off, trying to find his over shirt but failing. 
"You're not going anywhere near him." Virgil crossed his arms, looking up at Remus and trying his best to look intimidating, Remus chuckled, looking away from Virgil's 'intimidating' stance. 

"Oh yeah?" 

Remus scanned the room, his eyes falling on Patton. A smirk taking place on his face. He took a few steps forwards, his eyes focused on Patton. 
"C'mon, Patton. You know you enjoyed it~" 

Patton's eyes became watery, taking a step back.
"Stay the fuck away from him!" Roman grabbed the collar of Remus' tank top and lifted him off the ground a bit. Remus' hands found their way to Roman's wrist, trying to push him away. 

"Wait, hold on. Roman set 'em down." Deceit pushed Roman away and grabbed Remus' wrist a bit too forcefully. He examined a few bite marks on his wrist, looking up at Remus and expecting an answer. 
"The fucker bit me. A few times." Remus pointed out a somewhat bloody bite mark.

"I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to hurt you too badly...I-I just couldn't breath and I was trying to get you o-off of me." Patton stared down at the floor. Remus may have hurt him in an unforgivable way, but Patton would never wish another person pain, no matter what they did.

"Patton, don't apologize to him. He raped you. You didn't deserve that." Patton flinched at the word that Logan used. 
"B-but I hurt him..." 

"Yeah,  you left bruises on me. And you drew blood." Remus showed off his arms and lifted his shirt up. 
"I'm sorry!" Patton took one step into the room, regretting it instantly. His eyes glanced over to the wall next to the door. The wall that he had been shoved against. 

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