Being Understood

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Patton was in his room, crying.

He never cried in front of anyone, he hated inflicting his problems onto others, especially when the others had more important things to worry about. 

He had so many problems with himself, so many that he could think of. Even if none of them were true, he felt that they were. And putting on a happy face when ever he wasn't happy made him even more upset. He hated that he portrayed himself like that, he wanted to be himself but couldn't. He wanted a do-over, to show the real him, but then people would think he just wanted attention, but he didn't. He just wanted a hug.


Logan was in his room, stressing.

He never showed emotions. Yet at the moment he was experiencing so many. He didn't want to worry Virgil, as he already had enough anxiety to deal with, wouldn't go to Roman because he felt so judged around him, and he wouldn't go to Patton because that's where the emotions originated.

He was under his desk, pulling at his hair, and slowly rocking. He was crying. He was stressed, and he wouldn't get the help he needed. He refused to let anybody know that he felt this way. He wouldn't let anyone know that he was weak. 

He was in love, but he didn't know what that meant, to be in love, or how it felt to be loved. He was frustrated, with himself. He wanted to tell someone, he wanted to scream out his emotions, his problems. 

He was upset, he didn't like emotions. They were the bane of his existence, but he only despised them because of how confusing they were. He loved being happy. But when he suddenly feels so happy one minute, but so upset the next, he was confused, all of it confused him.


Roman was in his room, over thinking.

He had to come up with an idea for Thomas, but not only did Thomas have to approve of it. But so did Patton, Virgil, and especially Logan.

He had written out idea, after idea, after idea. But none of them were good enough. The first three he had written were okay-ish, but once he tried to show them to the others none of them would even make the time to see him. 

By the time he reached idea number 158, he bursted into tears. And whenever he had the slightest idea he scribbled it down on a sticky note, then stuck it to his wall. But none of them seemed good enough. He wanted every idea to be perfect, but none of them were. They were all worthless, just like him. And he wanted it to all end, he wanted to be perfect, but he was no where near perfect. He wanted to be the hero for everyone, but no one would except him for the non-perfect self he was. They would hate him for it, he just knew they would.

After another hour, now at idea 2482 he was lying on the floor, in tears. Muttering to himself.

Don't let the others see you like this.

Be perfect.

You're so worthless.

Stop crying.

Come up with an idea.

You're far from perfect.

You will never be anyone's hero.

How is Virgil ever going to love someone like me?


Virgil was sitting in his room, panicking.

Thomas was currently performing for a musical. And Virgil was working over time. Not only was he worried about Thomas, but he had his own issues too.

He was in a corner of his room, shaking and crying. He was having a panic attack. 

He was worrying what the others would think about him if they saw him this state. Roman would think he was pathetic, and Logan wouldn't even consider talking to him because he was dealing with emotions. Patton would probably disown him. 

He wanted to know that everything was okay, but no one was there. He also didn't want anyone there. He could just let it pass by himself, in his room, crying. Panicking. 

He kept thinking how no one wanted him, he was a disorder, he wasn't wanted. Roman could never love him. Patton could never love him. Logan would never tolerate him. And Thomas would never love him. He would die alone. And after a few months he knew it was true. He knew he was alone. Patton was friends with everyone, he was loved. Logan had Patton to love him, even if he didn't know it yet. And Roman was the most popular character. Virgil was nothing.

And he repeatedly told himself that, until he blacked out from his breathing being out of control.


Deceit was in his room, far away from the others, he was scared.

Everyone thought he lied. Which he did. 

Everyone thought he loved lying.

Which he didn't.

Everyone left him to be alone. The other dark sides never talked to him, and when they did it was only to capture Patton.

He felt hated. And he knew it was true. He knew he was hated. He knew he was despised. 
But he hated that feeling. He wanted to be loved, to be excepted. He wanted to be on the good side, he wanted to be the good guy.

Deceit was crying under his covers. His breathing uneven, his face tear stained, and his heart shattered. 


'If only the others understood me.'  They all thought. 

And deep down they all did, just no one knew that they were understood, that everyone was experiencing the same thing that they felt. 

That everyone was crying, stressing, over thinking, panicking, and scared.

What they needed was each other. 

To know they were all loved.


Sorry for the angst.

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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