Mother's Day

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~Unedited because I'm very lazy~

"Patton! Patton!" Roman and Virgil came running into Patton's room, not nothing to knock but they were very careful to make sure that the door was closed.

"What is it kiddos?" Patton looked up from the coloring book on his bed. 
"Well, we were thinking about how tomorrow is Mothers day, and well, you know how you're dating Logan, and you're basically our dad..." Virgil was anxiously looking down at his fingers as he spoke softly.
"Wouldn't that make Logan mom?" Roman finished fro him. 

Patton stared at him, you could practically see the gears working in his mind. "You're right..." Patton continued to think. "Oh my Irene! We have to celebrate, I'm going to need to buy groceries- Oh! What do you think Logan wants for dinner? What should I buy him? I have to make a card!" Patton had jumped up off his bed and running in all sorts of directions. 

Roman put his hands on Patton's shoulders to calm him down. "Don't get too stressed, alright?" Patton nodded. "I have to go, I currently have a lot to do right now." Patton said calmly. "And try to keep Logan busy tomorrow, alright?" The two saluted Patton and then he was off.


"Logan!" Virgil was sitting in Roman's lap in Roman's room in the middle of the floor, and was attempting to call Logan without getting up. "Loooooga-!" 
"What?!" Logan swung the door open, the look of distress on his face. "What do you want?" Logan readjusted his tie.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Virgil asked, looking up at Logan with an innocent expression. Logan simply sighed, closing the door behind him and leaning against the door. "I don't know, perhaps I could take Patton out to the movies, tomorrow is mother's day after all, and Patton is the most parental side, I'd say." Logan was thinking deeply, probably thinking about giving him a gift. 

"No." Roman demanded. 
"No...?" Logan looked at Roman, confused as to why he just told him he wasn't allowed to do something. "What do you mean?" Roman's stern face did not move. 

"You can't do anything for Patton, let him be." Roman placed his chin on Virgil's shoulder. Logan's expression was hardening, if he wanted to pamper Patton with gifts then so be it, he would. And having Roman tell him no was not settling with him well.

"P-Plus, Patton has fathers day...b-but that doesn't mean you l-like can't go see a movie tonight, maybe around nine in the afternoon though..." Virgil said softly, mumbling the last of his sentence.

"Perhaps you are right." He directed his eyes to Roman's. "But you do not tell me how to treat Patton, understood?" Logan looked intimidating standing over them, but it didn't affected Roman at all. "Yes mom." Roman scoffed as Logan was leaving the room. Logan shot a death stare to Roman before walking out and giving the door a small slam(trying not to alarm Patton)

~The Next Day~

Patton woke up extra early, making Logan a card, what it said? We'll get to that later. 

Patton was up in the kitchen at about 6:30 making fried eggs, toast(with Crofters jelly) sausage and fresh fruit. His apron was filthy and he was a bit tired already, just from cooking. He knew that Logan gets up at exactly 7:15, he would shower for ten minutes, then got dressed in his formal attire, by then it would be 7:17. Next Logan would come downstairs, reaching the kitchen at 7:19, so Patton was trying to hurry, he had woken up the other two before he came downstairs because he knew how long it took them to actually get out of bed. 

Patton was softly humming the song "When he See's Me" as he was setting up the table, placing everyones plate down in their spots, placing the card he made underneath Logan's plate but letting it poke out a bit.

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