Happy Thanksgiving

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This is gonna be a poly-LAMP chapter because after writing Love Triangle I just can't help but find it cute. There won't be anymore LAMP chapters if no one likes them but if y'all do let me know and I'll get typing uwu.


Patton was up and at it at five in the morning, he had to get everything ready for dinner and he wanted everything to be perfect. He wanted everyone to relax all day because he knew they all worked so much all throughout the year and there were only a few days where he had an excuse to pamper them all without being questioned.

Patton had showered and gotten dressed, but not his usual outfit, it was his skinny jeans and a shirt with a turkey on it saying 'Eat Me!' Patton though it was funny and suited the holiday. He had put on a headband to keep his hair out of the way while he cooked. He immediately started on the turkey, and proceeded to get the ingredients out for the sides he was going to make later.

He was sitting on top of the counter around six in the morning, he was slowly growing lonelier as he was sat in the kitchen by himself, he couldn't stop thinking about how it'd be another two or three hours until he'd have company. Or so he thought.
Patton quickly looked up when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. A smile making it's way to his face when he saw Roman coming into the kitchen. He held his arms out and waited for Roman to hug him, which he did.

"Good morning, mi amor. Why are you up so early?" Roman leaned back a bit, keeping his arms around Patton's waist.
"I had to start cooking early so no one had to worry about helping me." Patton smiled innocently, looking up at Roman with a smile.
"You don't have to do that, you know we'd all love to help, it might be fun to have everyone together and cook. Ya know, like a bonding exercise."
"But we already-"
"You know Logan and I don't get along all that well."
"Yeah I know, but I still don't wanna wake everyone up so early. I know Virgil doesn't get enough sleep as it is and Logan works so much that it keeps him up late. You go to bed at a decent time, I'm actually surprised you're up this early. Did I wake you up?" Roman shook his head, not wanting to worry his boyfriend about nothing.
"No darling, I woke up because I wanted to start cooking thanksgiving dinnerearly, just so you didnt have to worry about it." Patton smiled sweetly, leaning up a bit to give Roman a kiss.
"That's very sweet of you, Ro."

"I'm just saying, we should've planned on cooking together since we both planned on waking up early to begin with." Patton turned his head to look at the doorway of the kitchen when he heard Logan's voice, and by the sounds of it, Virgil was with him.
"Good morning Logi, morning Virge." Patton waved in a childish manor at the other two. Roman moved off to the side, leaning on the counter next to Patton so he could look at the two coming into the kitchen.
"Good morning, angel. How long have you been awake?" Logan greeted Patton with a quick kiss.
"Since five, I had to start cooking early."
"And what time did you go to bed last night?"

Patton paused when he fully processed the question, looking down at the floor in hopes of avoiding his question.

"Patton, look at me. Answer my question please." Logan gently turned Patton's head up so they were making eye contact.
"Around 2? Maybe...I dont really remember. I couldn't fall asleep though."

"Why didnt you just come to one of us?" Virgil budded into the conversation, standing to Patton's left so there was a person on either side of him.

"I did though. When I went to Logan's room he wasnt in there, and when I went to your room, you and Roman were fast asleep with a Disney movie playing and you just looked so peaceful that I didnt wanna disturb either of you." Patton fiddled with the hem of his shirt, guilt taking over as he looked up at the others through his eyelashes.

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