Love Potion

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Remus wandered into the kitchen, which had been empty, carrying a little glass bottle that contained a bright pink liquid, which was also known as a love potion. He smiled maliciously as he noticed the fresh plate of cookies on the counter, he poured the liquid on two of the cookies before he heard Deceit.

"Remus! Where'd you go?" Deceit walked into the kitchen with his arms crossed, he looked displeased with being left alone.

"What're you doing in here?" Remus pushed the glass bottle against the wall on the counter to hide it from Deceit.

"I was just getting a cookie." He picked one up - that hadn't been coated in the pink liquid - and took a bite out of it.

"Did you miss me, babe?" Remus smirked, setting the hand eaten cookie down on the counter and draping his arms over Deceit's shoulders and kissed him.

"No. I just didn't want you getting into any trouble, idiot." Deceit leaned in and kissed Remus again, licking his lips at the taste of chocolate that had lingered on Remus' lips after eating the cookie.

"Let's get back to my room." Deceit put his arm around Remus' waist and guided him back to Deceit's room.


Patton skipped into the kitchen, a smile on his face and Virgil by his side. Patton had convinced Virgil to come out of his room by bribing him with freshly baked cookies.

"Here ya go, kiddo." Patton handed Virgil a cookie that had felt softer than the others - sense it had soaked in the liquid that Remus added to it.

"Thanks, dad." Virgil smiled and took a bite out of the sweet. Patton picked up the cookie that had also been coated in the pink potion.

They had each only taken one bite. One only. Both their eyes had dilated and they looked up at one another.

"Patton." Virgil looked at the moral side with a bit of fear. "What did you put in these cookies?"

"I-I don't know. I used the same ingredients that I always do."

"I-I'm gonna go..." Virgil walked off to find Logan. He couldn't explain why but his heart urged to see Logan for no reason.

Virgil knocked on the door and waited impatiently, his foot tapping and his his hand lightly tapping his leg.

"Virgil?" Logan opened the door, a bit startled when Virgil pushed the door opened further, walked in, and closed the door behind him.

"Virgil, may I ask what you are doing?"

"Logan. I love you!" Virgil clasped both hands over his mouth in surprise but it didn't take long for his mind to fog and his hands to fall away from his mouth, he took a few steps forward, standing face to face with Logan as his eyes wandered from Logan's eyes to his lips.

"I love you." Virgil repeated, his voice laced with much more confidence than it had been a minute before. "You're amazing. You incredibly smart and I love the way you can talk and talk about such spectacular things in such calming manor-"

"Virgil. Stop talking. Breath. I get it-"

"No! No you don't. You're amazing." Virgil stood on his tippy toes and put his hands on the sides of Logan's face, he intently looked into Logan's eyes before glancing down at his lips once again, this time leaning in and kissing him. Logan put his arms around Virgil's waist when he almost toppled over, he kept him steady but he kissed back.

It had caught Logan off guard but he didn't push him away.

"Virgil, you're acting unusually out of character today. Are you alright?" Virgil didn't have time to react before he kissed Logan again.

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