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Patton was in high school, age 15. It was his third time babysitting the same bunch of kids.

One was 4, one was 7, and the other 8. The youngest one was names Virgil, the middle child was Roman and the oldest of the three was Thomas.

Virgil was quite clingy whenever Patton came over but Patton found him absolutely adorable.


Patton's POV

As the parents of the three little ones left I had gotten a text from my boyfriend, Logan, he was simply wishing me good luck as he has met the three before and knows how rambunctious they are.

It was maybe 11 in the morning and their mom had texted on short notice, but I'm hardly ever busy so I agreed to watch the kiddos. I love them, so why would I decline?

Virgil had run up to me as soon as I walked through the door, asking to be picked up, he was adorable. As I propped Virgil on my hop Thomas and Roman came running in. "Hey guys" I greeted them. Thomas hugged on my leg while Roman was a smiling mess. 

"Just call us if anything happens" Their mom said as she left the house, leaving me in charge. 


Around lunch time the kids were starting to complain about being hungry while watching youtube. Well, Virgil was. He was snuggled up next to me and sucked into the music video of 'Lost Boy'. Thomas was asking's and Roman was playing on the play station, but hey, at least they were quiet. 

"I want mac and cheese!" Roman said throwing his control down on the couch. He had a smile on his face and was giggling as he ran to the panty to grab a box of macaroni and cheese.

"Hey, hey, hey. Put the box down, I'll make some if you guys stay good and peaceful." I told them. Virgil was clinging onto me as I tried to get up so I just picked him up with me. "Would you like to help me cook?" I asked him, giving his tummy a little poke causing him to giggle. He nodded enthusiastically. I couldn't help but laugh at cute he was being. 

Once I walked into eh kitchen I placed Virgil on the counter next to the oven and fridge. Grabbing a pot and filling it with water, I put it on the burner furthest away from Virgil. "Now, your job is to tell me when that starts to boil, do you know what a boil looks like?" He shook his head no but was smiling as he had been given a job.

"When the bubbles rise to the top, and go pop pop pop, then it's ready." He giggled again at my explanation, nodding to let me know he understood. 

I started to wash a few pans that were in the sink, there were like 4 or 5. Once I had finished washing them Virgil started to call my name.

"Patton! Patton, it's doing the thing." He told me. I ruffled his hair and started to make the food. 


"Kiddos! The food is ready." I called out to them. Virgil ran into the living room with his bowl. I handed Thomas and Roman theirs and to no surprise they all three took maybe two bites and then left their bowls scattered around the room. 

"I want to go outside!" Virgil said while jumping on the couch, I spun him around causing him to land on my lap.

"Maybe later." I told him, but he squealed getting out of my grasp. He jumped up and down on the floor demanding that we go outside.

"Virgil, stop, we can go outside later. We can even play freeze tag later too." I told him, Thomas and Roman perked up at that standing side by side next to Virgil.

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