Center of Attention

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Roman's POV

I wondered around the imagination room. It was a quiet day, nothing important was happening. Thomas didn't need to film, the other sides didn't want to be bothered. At least Logan didn't, he was spending the day with Patton, he was hopelessly in love with that adorable  guy, but never would make a move. And then there was Virgil, but Virgil was still upset with me for being mean to him in the latest video. At least, I think that's why he's not talking to me. Virgil could be very closed off, and often left me to wonder what I did wrong. I always had to come up with the reason myself. Whether it was true or not, I believed it.

I continued to walk through the opened field. The grass was growing tall, flowers were blooming, and there was a gentle breeze flowing through the air. I took a deep breath, it smelt like fresh air and I loved it.  I just wish I wasn't alone. I never liked this..this feeling. This feeling of  being so lonely. The village people didn't need me currently, as I have already vised there twice today. I let out a sigh and made my way back to the mind space.


I walked into the kitchen, Patton and Logan were laughing with each other as they sat at the dining table. I heard the oven beep, meaning Patton must have been baking cookies. 

"I got it Pat." I told him before he could get up.

"Thanks kiddo." He smiled towards me and then continued with the conversation he was having with Logan.  I couldn't help but listen in on their conversation as I got the cookies out of the oven.

"Patton, must you  continue with the puns?" Logan asked, I heard Patton giggle, and could tell that Logan was smiling at him. Those two were adorable. 

"Hey Princey." I quickly spun around to see Virgil behind me. I smiled at him, having to look down because of how short he was. (Why do you think he stands on the stairs?) I turned back around to set the cookies down, and then faced Virgil once more. "How are you today Hot Topic?" I asked him. He was cute when he smiled, I mean, he was cute all the time, but especially when he smiles. "Meh, could be better." He moved to lean on the counter, looking at the other sides sitting at the table. I'm doing better, now that you're here." I told him before he could ask.

"What?" He turned to face me. "You heard me." I turned away and grabbed a cookie off the pan,  and walked over to join the other two at the table. I sat down in my spot and looked at Virgil. He had a shocked look on his face, as if he couldn't believe that I had said that.

"Where've ya been Roman? I feel like I haven't seen you all day." Patton said, turning to face me. I chuckled, now looking at Patton instead of Virgil. 

"I've been in the imagination room, nothing important or fun is happening today." I said dramatically, laying my head on the table.

"Why didn't you see if Thomas needed help with anything? Or start planning the next video to make?" Logan asked me. I glared at him. I had tried to do that earlier.

"I tried doing that, but Thomas said he didn't need help at the moment, and I can't decide on an idea without you going over it first.. Or Patton, or Virgil. I needed all of you to be there." I said, giving Logan a cocky look. He knew I was right, but instead of apologizing he rolled his eyes.

"You could have called us." Patton offered. I looked back over to Logan, and then returned to Patton.

"I tried, but because I went to Logan first...he told me that he didn't want to be bothered today because he wanted to spend all day with you. Which is really odd because Logan always wants to get his work done." I glared at Logan who only glared at me back.

"Well, I assumed you wanted to hang out with Virgil all day, you know, becasue you love him so much?" Logan smirked at me. i couldn't blush at his stupid comment.

"Isn't that why you wanted the day off? To spend time with your boyfriend? Oh, silly me, you haven't confessed yet have you?" I retorted. His eyes did that thing where they glimmered in the light becasue he was angry or fed up.

"Have you told VIrgil how much you love him so much that you literally lye in bed at night trying to get him out of your head. Becasue he's so 'hot' and 'beautiful', right?" He sneered.

"Oh, but I'm sure your love for Patton is much greater, yes? Becasue you get this feeling of going crazy whenever you are without him. You told me so yourself." I was going to win. I'd play innocent, Virgil and Patton would believe me.

"Virgil! Roman tells me that he wish he could tell you how much he loves you." Logan called out to Virgil.

"Oh yeah? Well, Patton! Logan rants about how it's ipossible that one person can be cute and hot at the same time yet you still manage to do so." 

"Alright! Enough!" Patton yelled, standing up so harshly that he knocked over his chair. He swung his arms side  to get us to stop, and he was horribly flustered. I glanced over to Virgil to see him blushing just at much. Kind of giving off the look that he woul rather be dead than in this room right now.

"Sorry." Logan said quickly, crossing his hands on the table and staring at them, fidgeting wit a ring he wore on his pinkie. 

"You feel guilty." I teased. "Becasue you loooove him so much." 

"Roman!" Virgil snapped. "That's rude and you know it." Virgil walked over to me with crossed arms, but he was too cute when he was trying to be mad. 

"You're adorable." I pulled him into a hug when I stood up and gently patted his head. "Like a kitten." He blushed more. 

"Roman, stoop." Virgil pleaded, I smiled but let him go. 

"Now...why are you guys arguing in the first place?" Patton asked us. I locked eyes with Logan. We just don't get along. I will always be there for him, but that's becasue he's like a brother to me. I love him yet hate him at the same time. Like a brother.

"He started it." Patton looked dissapointed that I had said that. "He did though! He tried to get me in trouble for not being productive, even though no one has done anything today!" I snapped. I was not about to get grounded.

"He's right you know. Logan does tend to target Roman." Virgil said, clinging to my arm like a koala. 

"T-That's no true...Roman just always gets the attention, he's always taking it away from me...expecially in front of Patton." Logan sounded like a little kid, I almost felt bad.

"It's my job. I'm Thomas' ego." I dramatically placed my hand on my chest.

"So, that doesn't give you any right. How am I going to imoress Patton, to make him fall in with me, if-if you're always there flirting and using those stupid pick up lines, that sometimes even make me blush...then how am I ever going to win him over, how to I know that he isn't falling for me like everyone else is...?" Now that, that made me feel bad. I didn't know that he felt that way towards me...

"Logan.." Patton said softly, looking at him with soft eyes...


I don't even know what this is to be honest. But it's been forever since I've posted a chapter. Summer is in about 6 weeks, thank goodness, so I'll be posting a lot less becasue testing is coming up, but that also means after those 6 weeks I'll be posting soooo much more.

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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