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Patton walked into Virgil's room - not bothering to knock. Virgil was simply laying on his bed, scrolling though his phone like he normally was. Patton turned the light on, sense it was almost pitch black in the room and then skipped over to Virgil.

"Patton! Why'd you turn the light on, it's so bright." Virgil covered his eyes with a hand, setting his phone down and tried his best to look at his boyfriend, who had just entered his room. 
"Because, it's good to have the light on. Plus, it allows me to see you adorable face." Patton smiled, sitting down at the foot of Virgil's bed. 

"Mhm, sure. Like I have a cute face." Virgil rolled his eyes, smiling at Patton. 
"You do!" 
"Not." He crossed his arms, watching Patton with an amused smile. 

"Why'd you sit so far away from me?" Patton tilted his head to the side, looking at the three foot gap between them and laughed gently. 
"Virge, we're barely even three feet apart." Albeit Patton's statement, he still got up, crawling over to sit in Virgil's lap. 

"It was still too far." Virgil gave Patton a quick kiss, not having been able to do so earlier because of the distance between them.


Later that day, Patton decided to bake some cookies. He was on his third batch by the time Virgil walked in. 
"Watcha doing?" Virgil asked, wrapping his arms around Patton's waist and swaying slightly. 
"I'm baking cookies. And you can't have any until after dinner, mister." As he stopped talking, he smacked Virgil's hand away from the plate of cookies.

"Aw c'mon. Just one cookie, babe?" As much as Patton wanted to give into his boyfriend's pleading, he knew better. 
"Nope. I love you, but you'll ruin your appetite and then instead of eating a healthy dinner, you'll only have eaten cookies." 

Virgil sighed, kissing Patton's cheek quickly before letting him go and hopping onto the counter to keep Patton company.


The sides sat in the common room, the four of them had decided on a movie night. Patton was snuggled into Virgil's side as they all focused on the movie. 
"Roman, sit up!" Logan whisper-shouted, pushing Roman off of him as he tried to lay his head in his lap. 
"C'moon Logan, I just want to lay down and I can't do that because you're taking up some of the couch! So you either move or just let me lay on you." Logan glared at Roman, sighing in defeat as Roman laid his head on his lap.

"This is a one time thing, understood?" Logan crossed his arms, his scowl going away after seeing Roman's bright smile.

"They're so weird." Virgil whispered to Patton. 
"They're not weird, Virgy, they're just...not admitting their feelings?" 


Virgil laid on his bed with Patton next to him, they were talking about anything and everything as they waited for sleep to take over. 
"I want Thomas to learn how to bake...So he can share sweets with all his friends and bring smiles to their faces." Patton thought aloud. 
"As much as that'd be nice, and it's a really sweet thought, but Thomas would probably burn the house down." Patton's soft chuckle filled the quiet room. 

Patton let his eyes fall closed as he tried his hardest to fall asleep. His back was against Virgil's chest. Virgil's fingers were entangled in Patton's hair - absent mindfully playing with his hair. 
"Goodnight, love you." 

"Love you too,"


I tried my best, but I'm not used to writing this ship. This was basically supposed to be like a small look into their life. I hope you all enjoyed it.

This chapter is dedicated to XxMusicalFanFicxX

~Happy Quarantine

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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