Easily Flustered

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Emile looked up, smiling at Roman and Virgil's bickering. He sat on the kitchen counter absentmindedly scrolling through his phone. He never really spoke much during breakfast. He normally sat on the counter and ate his breakfast while the other seven ate.

"Good morning, babies!" Remy sashayed into the kitchen, a coffee already in his hands. 
"Morning Rem!" Patton smiled cheerfully, placing a plate in Remy's spot. 
"Morning Patty." Remy ruffled Patton's hair. 

"Hey Virgy." Remy smirked when he saw Virgil audibly groan.
"Don't call me that." 
"Awe, c'mon Virgy." Remy walked over to Virgil and pinched his cheeks in a brotherly manor. 

"There's my favorite person." Remy locked eyes with Emile and walked over to him. Leaning on the counter with an arm on either side of Emile. 

"Morning, Rem." Emile smiled, leaning in to give Remy a quick kiss. 
"My precious bean." Remy booped Emile's nose.

"Alright guys, it's time to eat." Patton smiled at the two, pulling Remy off of Emile. 
"Join us at the table this morning, babe. Pretty please." 
"But I like my counter." Emile frowned. 
"Just this once? You never sit with us." Emile sighed, locking eyes with Remy which hurt his heart immediately.
"Fine. I will today." Remy cheered, taking Emile's hands and pulling him off the counter. He held Emile's hand until they reached the table, letting go once seated. 


Remy and Roman had been sitting in the common room together, talking about nonsense. Eventually, Virgil walked in and the subject of boyfriends came up.

"Emile's a very soft-boi. And I love Virgil and whatnot, but he's too much of a tough cookie. He puts up too much of a barrier." Remy took a sip of his coffee, watching as a smile appeared on Roman's face and he looked down at Virgil who seemed unaffected. 
"Virgil may have had a barrier, but I'd like to say that I broke it down enough. He's actually a real softie he just doesn't let anyone know." 

"Roman! I am not!" Virgil elbowed his boyfriend, he hadn't expected that answer but he wasn't happy with the one he got.

"He's also really easy to make blush, which is something I love seeing." Roman's arm found it's way around Virgil's waist, pulling him closer than him.
"I am not." Virgil huffed, avoiding eye contact with Roman in a petty way. 
"You are too." 

"Emile's pretty fucking easy to make blush too." Remy smiled at the thought of his boyfriend. 
"No matter how hard I try, Roman will not blush! It's annoying as hell." 
"Don't worry, Emile can't make me flustered either." 

Emile walked into the common, having heard his name on his way to the kitchen - he decided to change his coarse of action.
"What about me?" Emile sat on the arm of the couch next to Remy.

"He was just saying how you can't make him blush." Virgil shrugged.
"I can't, huh?" Emile raised an eyebrow, gently grabbing Remy's chin and making him look at him. 
"Sorry babe, but you can't." Emile's actions hadn't affected Remy in the slightest, which was strange because whenever Remy did that him he would already have a light blush creeping up on him. 

"Is that a challenge?" 
"It sure is." 

"Hold on, gimme a minute." Roman hopped up off the couch, running into the kitchen for a minute or two before returning with a bag of popcorn. Once back on the couch, he put his arm back around Virgil's waist.

"Is that necessary?" Emile giggled softly, watching the couple on the couch. 

"Alright then." Emile stood up off the couch, only a second later he sat on Remy's lap. One leg on each side of Remy. His face was close to Remy's and he was filled with a short burst of confidence. 
Remy, who was a pretty nonchalant person, leaned his elbow on the arm of the couch and watch his boyfriend with amusement. 

"Remy~" Emile purred, his eyes were clearly dilated - whether from fear or love, Remy did not know.
"Yea, babe?" 
"Did you sit in a pile of sugar? 'Cause you've got a pretty sweet ass." 

Remy chuckled, as did the other two on the couch, which made Emile loose a small bit of the confidence that he had. Remy noticed the slight change in his boyfriend's mood and he was quick to put an arm around Emile's hips and pull him closer to him - not like there wasn't much space between them to begin with.
"Keep going. I'm curious what you plan on doing." Remy encouraged. 

"Did you get your clothes on sale? Because they're 100% off at my place." Remy smirked, his eyes focused on Emile's face as he tried to flirt with him. 
"Is that right? If I recall correctly, we always end up in my room whenever we-" Emile's eyes widened, before Remy could finish his sentence - Emile threw a hand over his mouth, looking over at the others who were laughing their butts off. 

"Don't say things like that! Not in front of people." Emile fought off his blush with all his might, and ended up winning. Remy knew he had gotten to his boyfriend with just a few words, he knew he'd win this little 'competition'. 

"Why not, baby? You know it's true~" To shut Remy up, Emile pushed his lips onto Remy's. Deepening the kiss between them the longer it had gone on. His hands had found their way to Remy's hair and, as his final attempt at making Remy blush, he bit Remy's bottom lip - hoping for Remy to part his lips. 

He didn't. 

Emile pulled back from the kiss, crossing his arms in defeat and glaring down at Remy. 
"I tried my hardest." Emile looked over at the other two. He sat up straight, no longer being face-to-face with Remy. 

"See! It's impossible to make them blush." Virgil complained. 

"Kiddo's," Patton walked out of the kitchen, having heard and seen a bit of the other's interactions, he thought he'd join the conversation. Logan followed after Patton, the two sat down on the couch together. "You're both doing it wrong. You're trying to use top-energy that neither of you have. Soooo, you've gotta embrace your bottom-energy and use it to your advantage." Patton winked at Logan who smiled at him in return. 

"He may be right, but he's not speaking from experience, he's never managed to make me blush before." Logan shrugged, looking up at the others. 
"Hey! I've tried okay! It's not my fault that you don't get flustered as easily as I do." Patton huffed and looked away from Logan. 

"Y'know what, that might actually work on you." Virgil thought about, looking up at Roman. 
"I don't think that'll work on Rem either, he'll just want to have sex." 
"You're not wrong." Remy chuckled, kissing Emile's cheek to soften his mood. 

"Try that on me, and see what happens." Roman whispered lowly, so no one else would hear him. Virgil's face started to burn as the blood rushed to his cheeks. 
"What the hell?" Remy laughed, watching as Virgil went from being pale one minute and then beat red the next. 

"What did you say to him?" Patton asked, trying to hide his small laugh, and failing. Logan and Roman shared a look before Logan leaned in to whisper something in Patton's ear. The side was now a very bright shade of pink. 
Roman and Logan then faced Remy, telepathically speaking to each other or something. Emile quickly put his hands on Remy's cheeks and forced him to look at him. 
"Don't listen to them, Rem." 
"Awe, c'mon baby~" Remy pulled Emile into a quick kiss, after ending the kiss, he whispered something into his ear. 

Emile turned red in seconds. He laid his head on Remy's shoulder - hiding his face. 


This chapter was recommended by marigoldsinthewinter this was really fun to write and a nice break from angst.

I'm sti trying to rewrite a bunch of old chapters but I havent gotten much done. The chapters:

-Beach Au-Truth or Dare-Prinxiety-Dragon Witch's Curse Have all been updated. 

~Happy Quarantine!!

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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