Mr.Biggelsworth the 4th

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"Logan!" Patton called out from his room, he was digging through his pile of stuffed animals, looking for one in particular. 

A minute later Logan was standing in the doorway of Patton's room, his arms were crossed and he had an amused smile as he wondered why on earth Patton may have needed him. 
"Yes, angel?" Logan took a few steps closer to Patton, looking around him to realize he was searching through his giant pile of stuffed animals.

"I can't find Mr.Biggelsworth the 4th, do you know where he is?" Patton stopped searching, turning around to face Logan, he let out an irritated huff and blew a piece of hair out of his face. Logan chuckled, walking closer to Patton.
"Perhaps you left it in my room?" Logan offered, Patton thought about it for a moment, a bright smile appeared on his face and his eyes got wide with excitement. Logan took note of the small sparkle of joy in Patton's eyes, he loved when his eyes did that sparkly thing.

Patton stood on his tippy toes, pulling Logan in by the tie to look up at him. "I've been trying to find him all day, thank you so much, Logi!" Logan's heart fluttered at Patton's closeness, his cheeks were the lightest shade of pink but not too noticeable.
"No problem-"
"I'm gonna go grab it now, again, thank you!" Patton started for the door, stopping when he felt Logan grab his hand.
"Ya need something Lo-Lo?"
"I wouldn't mind if-if I could kiss you?" blood rushed to Logan's cheeks, he was blushing a lot more than he intended to.

"Awe, of course you can have a kiss Logi, no need to ask." Patton, once again, stood on his tippy toes. He closed the small gap between them and kissed Logan.

"I love ya Logi-Bear."
"I love you too, angel." 


~Have An Amazing Day!!

Sander Sides One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ