Baby Patton

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One morning, Thomas had been feeling very, very, very childish. He had consumed a lot of sugar at his nieces birthday party, and it him the next day.

Since Patton was the emotional one, and the heart, the majority of the sugar went to him, and he became even more childish. Well, more like an actual child.


Logan's POV

I had just woken up, it was seven in the morning, the time I always wake up. I dressed into my normal attire and walked out. To my surprise Patton wasn't already up cooking breakfast. 

I sat at the table, waiting for Patton. I decided to just read a good book instead. A few minutes later someone walked in, so I looked up.

"Pat-" I was surprised to see the other two instead though. And then a child crying. I had no idea where it came from. It startled the other two as well as there aren't ever children in the mind space.

"Where is that coming from?" Virgil asked us, covering his ears.

"Who is it coming from?" Roman asked, also covering his ears. Instead of covering my ears, I bookmarked my page and set my book down on the table. I walked into the hallway where the crying was coming from, the other two following right behind me. 

I stopped in front of Patton's door where the crying was coming from.

"Patton?" I knocked on his door, but received no answer. I turned the unlocked, doorknob to see maybe a two or three year old, sitting on the floor, crying. He looked as if he had fallen from the bed, his arm had a little blood on it, but not enough to be worried. 

"Where's Patton?" Virgil asked. The baby looked over at us hearing Virgil. He stopped crying for a second looking at all of us before he screamed even louder. His stubby hand grabbed at his hurt arm. I stopped being in shock long enough to go to him, I picked him up and walk into Patton's bathroom, placing the crying child on the counter.

"Stop crying, you're perfectly fine." I put a bandaid on his arm and wiped away his tears. He looked up at me, and just stared, his eyes were still filled with un-shedded tears. 

"Lo-Lo?" He asked, he moved his head to the side like a confused puppy.

"Yes, that is I. But who are you?" I asked him, I moved a strand of hair away from his face so it wasn't in front of his eyes.

"P-Patton." He tried his best to pronounce. My eyes widened, and I'm positive the other two did the same thing.

"How is that Patton?" Roman asked, walking forward so he was standing next to me. 

"Dad?" Virgil asked, standing next to Roman. Patton looked a little overwhelmed and embarrassed, so I quickly started talking again to try to get the attention off of him.

"This explains why you weren't all ready up. Do you know what happened?" He shook his head no.

"I only wemember waking up a-and fawing off my bed." He pointed towards the opened door, where his bed was.

"I suppose that's how you hurt your arm." 

"Yeah." he looked down at the floor, once again embarrassed.

"Well, let's go see of Thomas knows what happened." We all three started to walk out of the bathroom before being stopped when Patton said something.

"Um, I uh...can't get down." He looked down again.

"Oh right." I said, I walked back to Patton and picked him up, I didn't put him on the floor as he will probably walk slowly, so I carried him out of his bathroom. And then we all sunk out.

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