The Drawing

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3rd Person POV

It was a normal day. All four sides were sitting around, Logan writing down notes about who knows what, Virgil scrolling through Tumbler, and Patton and Roman were watching a Disney movie. Thomas was also with them, as they weren't in the mind space. 

"What kind of work do you do, Logan" Thomas asked him, he didn't know what kind of work anybody did, he just knew that they all contributed in. 

"Be more specific." Logan told Thomas, he was clearly procrastinating the question. Because between you and me, he was drawing, and not just any drawing but it was a full on sketched and colored piece of fan art of him and Patton cosplaying as Sherlock and Watson.

"What are you doing right now? What kind of work is it?" Thomas asked, Logan''s face grew red as he looked down at the paper.

"Umm, well it's not exactly 'work', per-say, more like something I find fun and soothing to do." Logan explained as he hid his notebook he was 'working' in, and then looked at the T.V. to avoid the question again.

"Why are you being so edgy? That's my job." Virgil asked this time, but received no answer.

"Dont ignore my Virgil." Roman brought Virgil into a hug, as if to comfort him even though he was perfectly fine. Once again, they received no answer.

"Kiddo? Are you feeling alright?" Patton asked him, Logan turned his head and smiled at him.

"Of course I am okay, why do you ask Patton?" Logan finally answered one of them.

They were all confused why Logan was acting weird, or weirder than normal. They exchanged glances, and then Roman spoke up.

"Why are you ignoring me and Virgil?" Logan didn't answer for a minute, but when he found something to say, he turned towards them.

"Because I trust Patton, and to answer your question even further, you two would more than likely continue to ask me what I was working on, which would lead to me being embarrassed and I don't want to feel any emotions. Thank you." The way he explained it made it sound so smart, and logical.

"Aww, kiddo. They won't bother you, will you?" Patton asked them with a stern look on his face.

"I don't know, I want to know why he would be embarrassed." Roman told everyone, but Virgil just shook his head No as he listened to the fatherly figure.

"That is none of your business." Logan snapped at him. 

You know, for being the smart trait, it might have been smart for Logan to not set his notebook next to him, instead of holding onto it. Because instead of saying anything, Roman got up, and quickly snatched it. 

"What do you have against me?" Logan asked, as he stood up from the couch as well.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see what is so embarrassing." Roman explained, he was flipping through the pages and pages of math and science. But then he saw a flash of color as he was quickly looking through it. He stopped flipping through, and turned back a few pages.

"What is this?" He asked the two confused traits and the confused Thomas, and the mortified Logan.

"What is it?" Patton asked as he stood up to look over his shoulder. Virgil doing the same thing, but Roman had brought the notebook to his chest to hide it.

"It's a drawing, a very detailed, beautiful, kind of adorable drawing. Can I show them?" Roman asked Logan. He looked confused as to why he asked.

"I mean, you already saw it, so why not." Logan sounded defeated

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