Movie Night

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Over the course of the pass few months Logan and Patton had been getting noticeably closer, as have Roman and Virgil. None of them had noticed as everything had been moving slowly over the months. However, none of them minded too much, the overall mood of the mind space had been calmer - less arguing. Everyone was getting along and they wouldn't complain about it. 

Logan had been spending a lot of time with Patton and he started to pick up on the small habits that he had. Like the way he bounced about the room whenever he was excited or how his tongue stuck out of his mouth whenever whenever he was focused on something, like a puzzle. Or, when he bakes, he always preferred to have someone bake with him instead of by himself. And he always started humming whenever he was zoned out. 
He also couldn't help but notice how his dark-brown eyes shared a close resemblance to dark chocolate and how his bangs alway seemed to fall over his eyes. 


Patton was stood in the kitchen, leaning against the counter as he waited for the cookies to finish baking in the oven. The thought of a movie night crossed his mind and as soon as he thought of it he knew that he just had to get the others on bored. So he started for Roman's room. 

"You need something, padre?" Roman asked as he cracked his door open. Patton laughed softly, pushing his door open a bit so he could see Roman fully - Roman didn't stop him. Patton glanced behind Roman for half a second, noting the royal bed with the red covers and the white trim he also noticed Virgil. 
He was sitting on his bed, his face half covered by his hands and his skin a bright red. Patton decided to ignore him and focus back on Roman. 
"I was wondering you wanted to join me for a movie night? We haven't had one in ages." The two exchanged smiles.
"Of course! It sound's like fun." Patton glanced back into the room, a knowing smile on his face as he pointed to Virgil.
"Virgil, will you be joining as well?" 

"Hmm? Oh yeah, sure Patton." Patton giggled, turning around and heading towards Logan's room. 


Virgil and Roman were sitting in the latter's room. The movie 'Beauty and the Beast' playing in the background, the ballroom scene was just starting and Roman was quick to stand up.

"May I have this dance?" Roman held a hand out towards Virgil. He smiled and placed his hand in Roman's, letting him pull him up so they could dance together. 

As the music in the movie played the two danced with it. Roman leading, one hand in Virgil's and the other on his waist, guiding him in circles as they waltzed around the room. 
The music soon came to and end, causing their dancing to slow as well. Roman dipped Virgil, his hand laying on the small of Virgil's back to support him and keep him from falling. He leaned in and captured Virgil's lips in a kiss. It was sweet and clearly meant more than to both of them than it had originally meant to be. 

"Why'd you stop?" Virgil barely spoke loud enough for Roman to hear him, he was clearly surprised at how much he liked the kiss but he was more surprised when Roman kissed him again. Roman backed out of the kiss, keeping his face only a mere inch away from Virgil's.
Roman stood up straight, no longer holding Virgil in the dip position. He quickly kissed him again. 

As they kissed, Roman began walking forwards, only stopping once the back of Virgil's knees hit the mattress and caused him to fall back. The kiss broke and Roman was now standing over him. Virgil laid on the bed, his eyes staying on Roman's and his mouth slightly agap. H

"Y'know," Roman started a smirk already finding it's way to his face. "I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together." blood rose to Virgil's face, causing him to hide his face with his hands.

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