Stay Quiet

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T.W: School shootings, cursing, blood, guns, angst, offensive slur(only used once or twice)
Have fun reading.


Virgil and Damion were walking down the hall together, making their way down to Virgil's locker. It was the beginning of the day and Virgil was already anxious and holding his books tightly to his chest. 
"Hey, Dee?" Virgil looked up at the boy, his eyes glancing over his burn mark that was covering half his face and then back up to his brown - almost yellow eyes. 
"Uh...y'know what, nevermind, sorry." Virgil's eyes found their way back to the floor, watching his shoes with each step he took. 
"Suit yourself."

Once at Virgil's locker, Roman popped up, giving Virgil with a quick kiss to his cheek. Virgil focused on getting his books that were necessary for his first class of the day, barely listening to the conversation that Roman and Damion were having. 

"Virge? You alright, you seem a bit stressed today." Roman ruffled Virgil's hair, trying to ease his nerves, yet failing miserably.
"We have a test today. In math. I suck at math." Virgil groaned, closing his locker and turning to face the others. 
"Relax, I'm sure you'll do fine." Damion offered the smaller of the three a smile, he readjusted the shoulder strap on his bag and then bid the two a goodbye. His eyes scanned over the crowded halls and landed on Remus, he quickly made his way to him. 

"Shit, I forgot about that test." Roman sighed, returning his attention back to Virgil after a few seconds.
"Don't worry, we'll both do fine." Roman reassure. 


The two had been standing in front of Virgil's locker for awhile now, trying to prolong the inevitable of their first class. The halls had started to empty out, only a few students here and there, but they started to leave as the minutes ticked by. The last two remaining were Virgil and Roman. 

"I guess we should start heading to class." Virgil looked down at his phone, they still had four minutes before the bell rang, and even then their classroom door would remain opened until the morning announcements were over, which gave them nine minutes in total until they technically had to be in class. 

As the two started down the hall, they heard the ding of intercom, they stopped in their tracks and listened, morning announcements shouldn't be for another few minutes. 

"Teachers, please lock your doors and turn out your lights. We are going under lockdown, no one goes in or out of a classroom. This is not a drill."

Virgil's eyes widened as he looked up at Roman, they were in the middle of the hallway, where were they supposed to go? Virgil's mind had gone into fight or flight mode, with the exception of freezing, which is what his body chose to do. His mind drifted off and his eyes became unfocussed. 
"Virge, c'mon, no panicking yet." Roman took Virgil by the hand and dragged him to the nearest bathroom. He shut the door and locked it before he shut off the lights. He turned on his phone's flashlight and walked Virgil over to the handicapped stall. 

"Calm down, Virgil. Nothing bad will happen, okay?" Virgil nodded meekly. He kept his full attention on Roman, by doing so, it kept his mind from wandering and from panicking. 
"We'll just...we'll sit and wait. Until the intercom comes back on and tells us that everything's okay." Roman sat down on the floor, thankful that it was still early in the morning and the floors were still clean from the night before. He gently took Virgil's hand and pulled him down to his lap. 

"Everything will be fine." He repeated, this time talking more so to himself than to Virgil. He pulled out a pair of earbuds and plugged them into his phone, he had planned on playing music and letting Virgil use them, just to keep Virgil's mind from worrying and so he could listen for anything. 

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