Banana King

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Patton and Virgil were walking into the kitchen together, seeing Logan sitting at the table Patton waved with a smile on his face. Logan waved back and went back to doing a crossword puzzle he was working on. 

As they passed their fruit basket, Virgil abruptly stopped, and picked up a banana. Logan and Patton both took notice to this and both gave Virgil a look. "What's wrong Kiddo?" Patton asked him, placing a hand on his shoulder.  

"Do you guys think bananas feel...pain?" Virgil asked, staring down at the piece of fruit in his hand.

"That makes no sense, as bananas..." Logan was cut off as Virgil continued what he was saying, not even taking in what Logan had said.

"Like, they have a scream so high pitched, that it's not humanly possible to hear them. And they scream when we slowly peel off their skin and consume their soft insides?" Virgil finally looked up at the two. Patton's eyes were wide and glassy, and Logan was beyond confused. 

"Virgil, you are going to start scaring Patton." Logan said after a minute. Virgil shrugged and then peeled the banana, that was when Patton screamed out of horror and sorrow, running to Logan to hide his face in his shoulders as Virgil ate the banana.

"Stop being so dramatic Dad." Virgil smirked and then left the room, probably to go find Roman and sit with him a while.

~With Patton and Logan~

"You don't think thats true, do you?" Patton cried. He was laying his head on Logan's shoulder on the verge of crying. Patton didn't like thinking that food had feelings and could feel pain. 

"Of course not Patton, it would be impossible for that to happen because technically bananas start to die off after they are picked off from the trees." Logan said, and that did it, Patton was now crying on his shoulder and Logan instantly regretted saying anything, he just tightly held onto Patton and apologized many, many times. He hated making Patton feel bad, and he tried to make up for it by keeping him safe in his arms.

"Patton please understand that I wasn't thinking, bananas have no way of feeling anything, I promise. Please calm down." Logan was rubbing Patton's back, but he was still crying like someone just died. 


Later that same day Virgil was walking with Roman into the common room, where Logan was holding a sleeping Patton (he had tired himself out from all that crying he was doing after Virgil had eaten the banana and inflicted pain onto said banana.) Logan was also a tad worn out from trying to calm Patton down, but he hadn't fallen asleep yet.

Once Virgil and Roman passed a window as they walked into the common room, Virgil had noticed a tree, and another thought popped into his head.

"What if tree screams are only heard by woodpeckers but they love the sound, so they keep hitting the tree. And when they find bugs they get even happier and so they decided to keep it a tradition." 


"What the heck Virgil!? I'm trying to sleep!" Thomas groaned into his pillow, it was 10:45 in the real world and Thomas desperately wanted to sleep.


Roman stopped next to him and stopped Virgil from walking by pulling him into a hug. "No." Roman simply said, resting his chin on Virgil's head. "No?" Virgil asked. He was confused by Roman's gesture but hugged him back anyway.

"You better be lucky Patton was sleeping." Logan said a bit relieved, not wanting to have to calm him down again.

After a minute or two Roman let go of Virgil and continued walking towards the couch. Virgil stood still, questioning why Roman just did that. He ended up shrugging his shoulders and joining Roman on the couch.


"Roman..." Virgil called out in the dark. Virgil was attempting to fall asleep. The other three were passed out on the couch, while Virgil was sitting on Roman's lap, laying on his chest, with both arms relaxed on Roman's shoulders. because he has too much anxiety to fall asleep without cuddling something or someone. Even though he had a 'cuddle buddy' he was still up because he had stupid questions running back and forth through his head, ones like the banana question and he couldn't, for the life of him, fall asleep.

"Roman." Virgil poked Roman's cheek, trying to get his attention again. He either needed answers to these questions or something to distract his mind from these questions.

"Roman~" Virgil laid his head back down, Roman gently put his hand on Virgil's back, letting him know he was awake.

"I can't sleep." Virgil whined.

"Shh." Roman said, he was clearly very tired, but so was Virgil. Roman started humming slightly to the song girls/girls/boys and surprisingly, it calmed down Virgil's thinking. Enough to calm him down.

" you." Virgil mumbled before falling asleep.

"Love you too." and with that they were all four now asleep.


Sup people, it is I, Dotty. I feel like it's been a while, and if it has, sorry. I have mid terms next week and then Christmas break, so I should be updating more over those two weeks. 

Let's have another question (seeing as I've done it once, and only once) Do you think a solanum lycopersicum's are a fruit, or a vegetable?

Also, the title barely had anything to do with it, I just had Charlie the Unicorn stuck in my head.

Hope you enjoyed this short chapter, 
~Have An Amazing Day!!

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