The Ghost

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Logan was on his way to his brothers house. He is meeting his brothers boyfriend today, and was told to be calm and not bombared him with questions because of how shy he is. 


Logan's POV

I knocked on Roman's door, only to be met with a much smaller man. He had a few streaks of purple throughout his hair. He had fair skin and a more feminine figure. He was small and his eyes were big and brown. He looked frightened, and then Roman walked up behind him. "Logan! how are you little bro?" Roman asked me, I rolled my eyes at him, he thought he was so funny.

"Ha ha, very funny Roman. You know very well that I am the oldest." He chuckled and, who I am assuming is his boyfriend, cracked a smile. 

Roman invited me in, I set my coat on the back of the couch and then I heard a small voice. I turned around and saw Roman's boyfriend waving at me.


"Greetings, I'm Logan." I stuck out my hand, trying to introduce myself, and he stuck out a shaky hand to shake mine "I'm V-Virgil." I offered a smile, trying to make him feel a bit more welcomed.

"Nice to meet you Virgil." He smiled back at me. After our short interaction, Roman interviened placing his hands on Virgil's shoulders, placing a kiss onto his cheek, and then whispered something to him.

"Thanks Ro." Virgil replied to him. 


As we were all sitting at the table, eating a pasta that Virgil had made, which tasted more than satisfactory by the way. We were all discussing desserts after we ate. It was getting late, so I thought I would take my leave and stop being a nuisance to my brother. 

"Thank you for the dinner Roman, but I'm afraid I must take my leave, I have things to tend to at home." I was searching for my keys, noticing them on the counter next to Roman. "Roman, could you please toss my keys to me?" He looked at the counter and grabbed them, throwing them at me. 

I have no idea why I asked him to throw them to me, I've never been the sporty one, I can hardly manage to not get hit in the face let alone catch something. I readied my hands to catch my keys, and I flinched and closed my eyes as I saw them come right at my face. 

But before they could hit me, I felt a chill go through me and then the keys stopped. I opened my eyes and then noticed the keys floating right in front of me.

"Woah." Roman breathed. "You have super powers!?" He asked, rushing towards me excitedly. 
"Roman, that's perposterous. There has to be an explination for this." I circled around the floating keys, carefully taking them in my hand. 

"Throw something else." I heard Virgil say. "Let's test it." And so Roman did just that. He ran back into the kitchen and grabbed an orange, tossing it my way. I flinched once more and again some weird forcefield caused the item to stop right in front of me. 

I decided to push the experiment, and attemtpted to push the orange down, but there was some strange force keeping me from pushing it. Then something grabbed my hand and gently placed the orange in my hand. I wasn't scared. No, not in the slightest. I was curiouse. I wanted to know more about this.

"Do you think it's a ghost?" Virgil asked, moving closer to me, and examining the orange. "Babe, I don't think ghost exsit." Roman told him, looking over his shoulder. 

"That's not true, there have been many cases where ghost decide to...interact with us humans. Some choose to show themselves, but that's very, very rare." I walked over to the couch and placed my keys on the coffee table. 

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