Reasons to Stay

502 32 13

TW: Attempted suicide


Roman paced back and forth in Virgil's room, Virgil was sitting on the edge of his bed, looking up at Roman while tears streaked his face. He was holding the sleeves of his hoodie over his hands, trying to cover up his arms. Virgil held his arms close to himself, trying to appear as small as possible.

"Why would you even think about doing that?! I understand that you're not feeling well and everything is getting to you but for the love of Irene Virgil!" Roman wiped away his tears in a rushed manor, trying not to let Virgil see the vulnerable side of him, at least, not at this moment. 
"You know what, yes, Patton would miss you, y'know what, yes Deceit would've made a 'sappy' Facebook post about what a wonderful friend you were, or at least make Thomas post one. And yeah, I guess suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem but you know that. You've known that, anyone and everyone has been shoving that down your throat since you first learned what the word suicide meant! The slogans have lost their meaning but anything that keeps you alive is worth saying..." Roman glanced up at Virgil, noticing the steady stream of tears falling down his face. His chest tightened as he took in the broken look on Virgil's face, he took a few steps closer, lightly brushing back the hair from Virgil's face. Virgil looked up at Roman with wide eyes, he was a bit scared of what Roman would say, but he'd listen no matter what.
"So don't kill yourself until you finish your shampoo and conditioner in the shower. Don't kill yourself until 'Doctor Who' is finally canceled. Don't kill yourself until you tell someone your best pasta recipe... Don't kill yourself until I keep coming up with more reasons and I need you to hear all of them. Don't kill yourself...Because I love you." 

Roman kneeled down, sitting on the floor in front of Virgil and looking up at him. He couldn't help the tears that had formed in his eyes, and he couldn't contain them any longer. He put a hand on Virgil's cheek.
"I love you so much and I could never, in a million years, picture you out of my life. You're one of a please don't kill yourself."  Virgil put a hand over Roman's and looked down.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm s-sorry! I won't do it again, I promise. I'm sorry!" Virgil closed his eyes, trying to keep his tears from falling.

Roman looked over his shoulder, noticing the noose hanging from the ceiling, he was lucky enough to walk in right as Virgil had kicked the chair down.  He had been quick to catch Virgil as the chair fell to the floor. Everything went into slow motion and when Roman had fully understood what was going on he sat Virgil down on the bed and started talking to him. 

"Please...please Virgil...." Roman rested his head on Virgil's lap. 
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Ro..."
"I love you so much babe, I'm sorry that I couldn't help you I'm sorry that I you don't feel well, I'll try harder to help, I promise you." Roman's voice came out very hushed and hardly audible. 

"No, Roman, you didn't do anything wrong. Please don't apologize. I love you and this wasn't your fault." Virgil tried his best to wipe away his tears but they kept coming.

Roman stood up, wiping away the last of his tears, He took Virgil's hands and pulled him up to his feet. He pulled Virgil into an embrace and held him for a minute, still trying to recompose himself before he let Virgil see his face. 
"C'mon Virgil, let's go to my room. We can shut the lights off and watch some of the old, Disney classics. Those always cheer you up. Does that sound good?" Virgil meekly nodded, letting Roman guide him to his room.

"I love you Virgil."
"Love you too."


I'm in love with someone and they're dating someone else. Someone please murder me.

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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