Crofters (Part 2)

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Last Time~

Dear Diary,
We ended up being good friends, I spent most my time with him. And it turns out he's a freaking genius and he wasn't good at talking to others as he was really embarrassed about everything, and when he wasn't embarrassed he wasn't really expressing his feelings, well, there is the happiness he gets when he eats Crofters. All in all, he's an amazing person, and I've already developed a tiny crush on him.


~Patton's POV~

Logan and I were walking to Logans's house, we just got out of school and Logan said he wanted to try walking home for once, and I was perfectly fine with it because it just gives me an excuse to spend more time with Logan.

It was a Friday so we didn't have to worry about homework tonight. Logan was currently talking about stars, and I was, even if it doesn't seem like it, was listening to every word he was saying. 

"Hey Logan?" I looked up at Logan to see if he was paying attention.

"Yes Patton." Logan looked down at me, dropping everything he was talking about to answer me.

"Why'd you want to walk?" I asked him.

"Oh." His eyes went a little wide before he continued talking. "No reason...?"

"Come on Logan, you know very well thats not what I meant." We both stopped walking, staring at each other, my arms were crossed and I was staring up at him so our eyes were locked.

"Falsehood." Logan told me.

"Logan." His expression soften, his mouth opened and closed as if he was searching for an answer.

"I wanted to try and lose some weight..." Logan said softly.

"Logan, you're perfect just the way you are." I told him, uncrossing my arms.

"I just...I don't want to give the kids at school a reason to mess with me anymore." 

"What do you mean? Are people bullying you? Who?" I stepped a little closer to him.

"No one. I'm fine." Logan started walking again, leaving me a little behind. I ran up to him and linked my arm with his.

"We're talking about this later, understood?" Logan sighed and gave a curt nod. 


We walked the rest of the way home in silence, until Logan put on the shark song after three minute of walking.

We made it home, we were just finishing the song, me doing the hand motions along with it because it was too fun of an opportunity to pass up.  Logan and I threw our stuff on the couch, we always put our stuff up when we were going to bed.

"Wanna bake some brownies with me?" I asked him making my way into the kitchen.

"I'd love to." Logan followed me and immediately went for the jar of Crofters as I went for the rest of the ingredients. 

We spent about thirty minutes mixing everything together and then putting it in the oven. 
After they were out, and cooled, Logan and I sat on the couch already starting to munch on them.

"Alright now, talk. What's going on at school?" I asked him. He sighed once more, taking another bite out of his brownie.

"I didn't think you'd forget about that." He didn't say anything for another moment but then continued.

"Since you're clearly not going to let me not tell you," He turned to face me, his eyes looked sad, but he continued on. "As you can probably tell I'm not skinny, not in the slightest. And normally people's opinion's are just something that doesn't matter to me. So, I try my best to ignore everyone, but you of course, but they persist on informing me about my weight, which I'm very aware of." He wiped at his eyes, which pushed me over my breaking point, I wrapped my arms around him, keeping him in my embrace to comfort not only him but me. No one deserves this, especially not Logan.

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