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Logan paced around his room, lightly tugging at his hair as he panicked. He mumbled under his breath as he expressed his thought process to himself in his empty room. He wasn't wearing his normal attire, he wore a pair of gym shorts and a hoodie with no shirt underneath, he had woken up feeling overwhelmed so he hadn't bothered to even leave his room that day. He skipped out on breakfast this morning and he planned on skipping lunch if he couldn't control all these feelings he was getting. 

When he heard a knock on his door he froze, his shaky hands fell to his sides as he thought about what would happen depending on who was on the other side of that door. 
If it were Virgil he could talk whatever this was out and finally get an answer to all these stupid feelings he was feeling.
If it were Roman, he would force him out of his room and completely ignore that he was here o begin with.
If it were Patton-

"Logi? You alright?" 

Patton. He would fret over Logan and would practically drag out an answer to what was wrong with Logan, he would want to coddle him and make him feel better. Logan felt hot tears roll down his cheeks as he thought about Patton. Patton, the main cause of whatever he was feeling. More tears fell the more Logan thought about everything going on. 
"I'm coming in!" Patton announced before he opened the door, Logan tried to make it to his door and lock it before Patton could come in. But he was too late, by the time Logan reached out to lock the door but Patton walked in. Patton looked around, his eyes landing on Logan, he took in his disheveled look, his eyes widened in surprise before they soften with worry and sympathy. 

Patton walked a bit further into the room, closing the door behind him. He placed a plate of food on Logan's dresser, he walked over to Logan and wiped away his tears. "What's wrong, Logan?" Logan's hands were quick to move to Patton's wrist, but he stopped immediately, leaving his hands where they were, before he could think twice he pushed himself away, pacing around the room again.

"It's all your fault!" Logan accused, his hands going back to his hair. 

"W-what? What's my fault, Logi?" 

"It's your fault that I'm feeling...feeling anything! It's all your fault!" Logan's voice rose, his voice was shaky and uneven but he yelled nonetheless. 

"What are you feeling?" Patton was brave enough to take a few steps closer to Logan. 

"Emotions!" Logan's head fell back and he stared at the ceiling, hoping that his tears would go away.

"W-which ones?"

"All of them!" Logan screamed, he looked at Patton, his eyes locking on Patton's eyes. "You make me feel furious because I can't understand everything that's going on! I'm angered by the fact that I can hardly concentrate because you're always in my mind!" Logan stepped closer to Patton, causing Patton to back away. "I'm confused because I don't know why this is happening! You confuse me because I don't know if you only love me platonically like the others or if you hate me and you're only tolerating me! I don't know what you're feelings are for me!" Logan continued walking closer to Patton, and Patton didn't stop backing away until he hit the door. He looked behind him and now he was cornered, he was admittedly frightened and was on the verge of tears. "I'm always so flustered whenever you do anything remotely cute! Anything remotely romantic! Whenever you do anything I get flustered!" Logan hovered over him, looking down at Patton, he was red in the face from yelling. 

"You...you make me feel! Feel love and feel...loved." Logan blinked back his tears but he only made more fall as he did so. "You make me feel so God dame sad because I know that I won't ever be able to have you, I won't ever be able to call you mine. I won't ever be able to kiss you and show you how much I love you because I know that you don't love me the same way, who could? I'm a dame robot after all!" Logan's voice got  softer but then got louder again, he put the palm of both his hands on either side of Patton's head, using his left hand he hit the door causing Patton to flinch and a few tears to fall from him  too. 

"You make me feel so scared  because of these feelings, all of them are terrifying, and it scares me that you're the cause of all of them." Logan looked down at Patton, finally realizing just how scared he was making Patton feel. He took in Patton's tears, his quiet sobs. How his eyelashes were wet with tears and how his breathing became slightly held back as he listened to Logan. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I'm-" Logan started to cry harder but before he could finish his last apology Patton cut him off with a kiss. He had thrown his arms over Logan's shoulders.

Once Patton pulled away he slightly tightened his grasp on Logan, trying to hold him closer. "I'm sorry! I know you don't like feeling emotions, I know you aren't accustomed to them! I'm sorry for making you feel anything, I'm sorry that you're finally feeling what I've felt for years! I'm sorry for everything I've ever put you through!" Patton pushed away, pushed Logan away so he wasn't pinned to the wall. He looked up at Logan with a bit of an angered expression but he also looked empathetic. "But you know what? You make me mad too! You make me flustered and confused and loved and scared! Hell! You probably scare me the most because you're such a closed book all the time! I can't ever read you because I don't understand you as well as I feel I should! I hide in my room and cry because as much as you scare me I feel so alone that the feeling of being alone scares me more than you do!" Patton poked Logan's chest as he walked forwards, causing Logan to walk backwards.

"I love you! I've loved you for so many many years. So many! I've put up with your cluelessness and I've put up with all your rude comments about me and all the times you've ever made fun of me! Because I love you and I thought you'd finally see it! That you'd finally let down your freaking wall and talk to me about everything that's going on in your head and in your heart! And I'm glad you finally did...but I wish you had done it a bit...nicer." Patton choked on a sob before he spoke his last word. 

Logan felt broken at that time. He felt hurt. He felt pity and he felt sadness. 

"I'm sorry-"

"No matter how many times you apologize...I don't think it'd ever be enough." Patton wiped at his tears, after another silent moment he ran out of Logan's room and into his...


~Have A Amazing Day!!

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