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Logan had been laying on the couch, a book in his hands. He was enjoying the peaceful silence as he read. He had finished his work earlier than usual that morning and he had planned on spending his free time reading for the rest of the day. 
As he read on a thin smile took place on his face. He always got sucked into his the books he read and this time was no different. 

Eventually Patton had stumbled into the room, he was bored and didn't have anything going on that day so he decided to see if Logan was up to anything interesting. Patton noticed that he was reading a book, his smile widening as he saw the adorable smile his boyfriend sported. Patton walked over to the couch and laid down on his stomach, crossing his arms over Logan's stomach and resting his chin on his arms.
"Patton? What're you doing?" Logan lifted his book up high enough so he could see Patton's face.
"I'm getting comfy." Patton flashed Logan a bright smile.
"Is that so?" Logan bookmarked his page, setting it off to the side and now paying full attention to Patton. He brought his hand down and ruffled Patton's hair, continuously running his hand through Patton's hair after he noticed his boyfriend leaned into his touch.

Patton let his eyes fall shut, enjoying the affection Logan was giving him. 
"Whatcha reading Logi?" Patton asked in a soft voice.
"It's an interesting book about earth worms." 

Logan continued to give his undivided attention to Patton, enjoying the time spent with Patton more than reading his book.
"I love you, angel." Logan spoke softly.
"I love you too, Logi-Bear." Patton opened his eyes again, sitting up for a minute so he could give Logan a kiss, laying back down so he could be comfortable. 


The two had fallen asleep not very long after their kiss, Logan's hand was left in Patton's hair and Patton had his arms around Logan's waist, cuddling close to him.

However, Logan had woken up when he heard people arguing around him. His eyes opened and he looked around at the others in the room.
"Shut up Princey!" Virgil yelled, standing up from his spot on the couch. He pointed a finger towards Roman accusingly.
"Just admit it! You're in love with someone and you're just trying to hide it! Just tell me who it is so I can tell you how to woo him!" 
"No! Shut up! I'm not telling you!" 

"Would the two of you talk about this elsewhere. I do not want Patton to be disturbed." Logan snapped at the two but he kept his voice low so Patton wouldn't wake up.

"But he won't tell me who-!"

"I don't care. Keep your voice down or so help me I'll hurt the both of you." Logan glared at the two with a death glare, making sure the two were scared enough to actually listen to him.
"Logi..." Patton mumbled, stirring in his sleep and waking up a bit. He sat up in a sitting position so he was straddling Logan's hips.
"I'm sorry dear, did we wake you?" Logan's expression softened as he looked at the sleepy trait in front of him, he reached his hand out and caressed Patton's cheek.

Patton shook his head, rubbing at his eyes as he looked at Logan.
"No, my dream startled me. What's wrong with them?" Patton looked over at the two who were standing close to each other, Roman was practically leaning over Virgil. 
"Virgil won't let me help him out with the man he fell in love with!" Roman explained. Patton's eyes had widened and he was now wide awake. Virgil had told him about his crush on Roman.

"How do you know Virgil even has a crush on someone?" Patton questioned, leaning forward and resting his head on Logan's shoulder.
"I had slipped up..." Virgil told him, he looked down towards the floor, disappointed in himself. 
"Virgil had said that he wished his crush would love him back after he had showed me something on Pinterest." 

Patton sighed, putting his arms around Logan's shoulders as well. He didn't know how to help Virgil out in this situation. Roman was persistent and would eventually force the answer out of Virgil.
"Roman, why don't you just tell him how to 'woo his crush' without the name of who it actually is?" Patton suggested.
"I can't! Their personality is what I need to know in order to know which pickup lines and dates would work best." Roman huffed and crossed his arms, staring down at Virgil.
"Even if you gave me advice I wouldn't be able to use it! I'm not confident enough!" Virgil crossed his arms as well and looked up at Roman, albeit his glare was much less intimidating than Roman's was. 
"Well I could tell you how to be cute and make him fall in love with you." 
"That wouldn't work."
"And why is that?"
"Because I can't be cute, it doesn't work with my personality." Roman glared at him before taking his hand and dragging him into his room.

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