Panic Attack

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Patton and Roman were laying in the fanciful side's room. Roman was sitting criss-cross-applesauce, leaning against his head board. Patton was laying upside down on the edge of Roman's bed. They were each in their own worlds, reading their own books. They had been books that they had found in Virgil's room, the covers of the books read Grimm's Fairytale's Patton's was about Sleeping Beauty and Roman's was based off of Cinderella. Neither of the two had been very far into their books before Roman's door was thrown open.

"Have either of you seen my Grimm's brother books?! I'm missing two of them for some reason and Logan hadn't taken them." He pointed a thumb behind him, gesturing to Logan. His voice was rushed and he looked a bit worried.

"Yeah! We're reading them!" Patton smiled brightly, slightly kicking his feet in the air.

"Yeah, no need to freak out my chemically imbalanced romance."

"Which one are you reading?" Virgil asked Roman, he and Logan walked closer to the sides that were comfortably sat on the bed.

"Cinderella, why?"

"I don't think you guys should be reading those..." Virgil plucked the book out of Roman's hands, holding it tightly against his chest.

"But they're about princesses!" Patton exclaimed, his eyes going back to his book as he continued reading.

"Which princess is your book about?" Logan asked, standing over Patton. Patton smiled once again, holding his opened book to his chest and looking up at Logan.

"It's about Sleeping Beauty."

Both Logan's and Virgil's eyes widened, they exchanged a quick look before Logan gently removed the book from Patton's hands, carefully handing the book over to Virgil.

"I'm just gonna take this." Logan smiled kindly at him, he didn't receive any complaints, only a smile in return. "I am more than willing to let you borrow a book of mine if you were interested in reading."

"But it was starting to get good." Roman started, which made Patton rethink the page he had left off on, nodding slightly and agreeing with Roman.

"Yeah! It was getting good." Patton finally sat up, turning around to face the others. He was sitting like an anime girl would, the palm of his hands were laying on the bed in front of him and supported his weight as he leaned forward.

"Patton, you do not understand. The Grimm's brother books - the Sleeping Beauty one nonetheless - is not something for the faint-of-hearts to read. This book would make you cry and I do not wish to see you cry." Logan used his pointer finger to lift Patton's chin, smiling softly as Patton nodded along with what he was saying.

"Would these books really make us cry?" Roman asked, turning his attention to Virgil.

"Maybe not you, but Patton, definitely. Now, change of subject, would you like to go watch a Disney movie in the common room?" Roman smiled brightly. Quickly hopping up from his bed and grabbing Virgil's hand to pull him out of the room.

"Hey, Lo? What's so wrong with these books?" Patton's head tilted slightly, expecting Logan to explain it to him like how he explained everything else to him.

"Bad things happen in them. Now, would you like to join the others in the common room?" Patton stood up, nodding as he took the hand that Logan was offering him.

"I should make some cookies..." Patton thought aloud as he let Logan guide him out of his room.

"If you wait until after the movie, I'll assist you in the kitchen." Patton's smile only widened further, nodding once more.

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