Road Trip

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(Sorry For switching POV's so many times)

Roman's POV

Thomas was going on a road trip, and he of course had to take us because we begged him until he agreed. Well, more like Patton and I begged, Logan didn't really care, Virgil didn't either. 

We were going to head out tomorrow, at the moment we were all packing. I had packed just one Prince outfit, and some other fashionable clothes, my sword, and plenty of compact mirrors. Logan had checked up on us to make sure we were on schedule, which I was. And then he told me to go to bed at like eight at night because we were supposed to get up early, which I guess is fair, and I do need my beauty sleep. But no matter how hard I tried I could not fall asleep, this happened from time to time when my mind wouldn't stop thinking about Virgil. And we our going to be on a bus less than five feet apart from each other at all times.

After an hour of laying in bed I decided to go to the common room to see if watching something could put me to sleep. Once I walked out there I noticed Virgil watching a Shane Dawson conspiracy video.

"What are you doing up?" I asked him, sitting down next to him on the couch. He didn't say anything for a minute. Before he did he offered me half of his blanket, and I accepted, then he snuggled into me, which was freaking adorable! He clung onto my arm like a teddy bear and rested his head on my arm.

"I couldn't sleep." He finally answered me.

"Neither could I." I responded to him. We had a peaceful ten minutes together before I noticed that Virgil had fallen asleep. I, myself had become tired so I rested my eyes falling asleep as well.


Patton's POV

I was so excited for our road trip, that I immediately packed everything needed. My normal outfit that I wore in our videos, and then some clothes that I could lounge in, also some cat pajamas, but it was too hot for my onesie so I packed some shorts and a top with a cat pun on it. It had a cat wearing a shark fin and the top it said 'Paws'. Logan had given that pajama set for my birthday and I loved them.

I also had packed my camera, because I needed pictures of everyone. Logan came into my room around eight thirty.

"Patton are you packed for tomorrow?" He asked me walking into my room after knocking.

"Yup." I smiled at him, he looked a little stressed but he offered me a small smile anyways.

"Are you packed?" I asked him, he nodded.

"Yes, I am. I suggest you go to bed soon, we are getting up early." He advised me. I agreed with him but I was too excited to sleep. After a while I gave up on sleeping and went to Logan's room to see if he was still up, he could always get me to calm down. Sometimes he stroked my hair which I always enjoyed, it makes me feel loved, even though it always causes me to blush. Then he would tell me about the stars and everything he loves about them. It always soothed me. His presence alone made me feel so happy and calm. I could always fall asleep in his arms and I loved it.

"Hey Logi?" I knocked on his door and waited for an answer before I entered. 

"Can you not sleep again?" He asked me, sitting up in his bed.

"No." I admitted. I walked over to his bed and sat next to him before being pulled into his lap. 

"Want to hear some facts about astronomy?" He asked as he started to play with my hair.

"Always." I leaned into his touch and listened to him talk.

"Did you know that there are 88 constellations? All 88 constellations divide up the sky from all around the Earth." He started, and then he started naming every constellation, I fell asleep not too long after he reached number 48.

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