Valentine's day

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Valentine's day was rolling just around the corner, and all the sides were currently busy.

Patton was rushing into the living room, a week before Valentine's day, with a box of decorations, the ladder was already out and leaning against the wall, because Patton was a short boi.

Roman was in his room planning on what to do for Virgil on Valentine's day. He wanted it to be extravegant, beautiful, yet at the same time, simple. Because that's what Virgil would appreciate the most, anything bigger than simple would have scared him or over whelmed him.

Logan walking into the living room, keeping his word to help Patton decorate and bake cookies. He also was coming up with a plan in his mind as he walked.

Virgil was in his room making cards for everyone. Drawing a unique picture for each of the sides, said drawing was based off what he though would suit each one of his friends, and boyfriend. He wanted to do something bigger for Roman, like plan a night out or something, but he was almost 100% positive that Roman would take care of the date part. There is always that small possibility that Roman wasn't planning anything and then Virgil would seem like the idiot and uncaring one...
Virgil quickly shook his name as to clear his thoughts. He got up, leaving his room and set off to find Roman.


"Patton, would you like any assistance?" Logan asked as he just walked into the common room.

"No Logi-bear, I'm fine. I can stand in a ladder by myself." Patton smiled at his boyfriend, then looking down at a box filled with the decorations, his smile faltered slightly.

"Actually, can you help hand me things?" Patton asked with a blush.
"Of course I can love." Logan picked up heart shaped streamers and before handing them to Patton he stole a quick kiss, which was happily received and returned. Then the two actually started decorating.

About fifteen minutes into it, they had finished decorating everything high up, and no longer needed the ladder. As Patton was climbing down he lost his footing, if Logan had not been there he would have gone down with a crash.

"Are you alright?" Logan asked. Patton was resting in his arms at the moment. He looked up and started to giggle. "I guess you could say I've fallen for you, again." Logan chuckled slightly, kissing Patton's nose and then setting them down.

"Why is the mistle toe in the Valentine's day box?" Logan asked, looked at a red box behind them.

"I thought it seemed more fitting than for Christmas." Patton stated, meeting Logan's gaze at the box.

"You shouldn't mix traditions dearest." Patton sighed, agreeing with Logan.


Virgil knocked quietly on Roman's door, not wanting to bother his boyfriend. "Roman?" Virgil called out right before Roman opened his door with a big smile on his face.

"Hello my emo nightmare. How are you doing today?" Roman moved to the side so Virgil could walk in. "Meh, could be better. Whatcha doing?" Virgil sat on Roman's bed, feeling intrusive already.

"I'm just planning something. Nothing important." Roman sat next to Virgil, taking his hand in his with a quiet sigh. "I've just been a bit busy, I'm not neglecting you am I. If I am I'm deeply sorry, and will make up for the time that I have been without you. Maybe we can watch a Disney movie, or three. Perhaps help Patton bake..." Virgil cut Roman off with a short kiss.

"Calm down princey. You haven't been neglecting me, I promise, I've been busy too. Valentines is coming just around the corner, as I'm sure you already know, and I'm trying to get everything ready for everyone." Virgil laid his head on Roman's shoulder.

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