Useless Facts

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It was about four in morning, and Logan was sitting in his room, staring up at his ceiling, unable to sleep. But little did he know, so were all the others.

All three sides had received a text from Patton a few minutes later

Patton: Is anyone else up? If so, you should be asleep. But still talk to me. Thanks kiddos.

Logan: I am very much awake, would you like to come into my room and talk?

Roman: Can I come too?

Virgil: Im bored as well

Logan: I guess


So they all met up in Logan's room. Logan himself sat up and made room for the others on his bed.

"Hello." Logan greeted them as they all entered his room.

"HI Logi!" Patton exclaimed, plopping down right next to Logan.

"Sup nerd." Roman sat at the foot of the bed, right next to him was Virgil. 

"Hi." Was Virgil's greeting.

"What do you all wish to talk about?" Logan asked the others. No one said anything. Patton made himself comfortable as he was positive that he was going to stay all night in Logan's room. He scooted a bit closer to Logan and rested his head on his shoulder.

"What about useless facts?" Virgil suggested. And to everyone else was perfectly fine with that idea.

"Well, to start off. Did you know that everyday, you are breathing in about 1/4 of other people's farts?" Patton asked with a giggle.

"You of all people would be the one to know that." Logan was trying his best to sound annoyed but he was actually having quite a hard time trying to hide his smile.

"Giraffes are unable to cough." Virgil informed them.

"You share your birthday with about nine million people in the world." Logan stated next. He looked at the now excited Patton as he loved sharing things.

"Did you know that there is a city called Roman in every continent?" Roman asked with a giant smile on his face. He could be really egotistic at times.

"Really Princey?" Virgil turned to him with a smile. Virgil may have seemed like he didn't like the fanciful side, but he couldn't have loved him more.

"You love me." Roman brought Virgil into a hug, which caused Virgil to move as close as possible to his side. Roman didn't move his arm from the hug that he had Virgil happily stuck in, for most of the night.

"Firefly is the opposite of waterfall." Patton sounded proud of himself for this one, because he knew that he wasn't the smartest of all people.

"A cow can climb up stairs but not down." Logan only stated this one because he knew Patton would pity the cow, and then he could comfort him.

"Aww, but the poor cows might be afraid of heights." Logan looked at the trait who was currently laying on his shoulder and patted his head.

"I am sorry for bringing that up. They can always be brought down with he help of humans, as long as they are carful." Logan explained to him.

"Cows kill more people than sharks." Virgil told them all with a somewhat evil grin. 

"Why would you say that?" Roman asked him.

"Because." Was all Virgil answered with, which didn't satisfy Roman's question.

"Volleyball is just hardcore hot potato." Roman said next.

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