Love Triangle

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Patton wandered into the living room, looking for anyone, he felt like he hasn't seen anyone all day. He wanted to bake but he wasn't in the mood to bake, he was sleepy and lonely.

When he saw Virgil a small smile appeared on his face as he walked over and laid down, resting his head on Virgil's lap. Virgil lifted his phone up and looked down at Patton, he didn't question why he simply ran his hand through Patton's hair and continued to scroll through Pinterest as he gave Patton affection.

"How are you pops?" Virgil softly asked, as he lightly scratched Patton's head.
"Im ok...How about you kiddo?"
"I'm good."


A while later Logan had walked into the common room only to see Patton asleep on Virgil's lap.

"Are you comfortable?"
"No, I have to pee, and I can't move without waking him up."

Logan walked over to the couch that Virgil was sitting on, He took the book in his hand and set it next to Virgil on the couch. He gently picked Patton up, allowing Virgil to stand up and leave. Logan sat down with Patton now in his lap, after he was settled he opened his book and started to read, just to make sure Patton wouldn't wake up he made sure to gently run his fingers though Patton's hair, he knew this worked because of the countless nights that Patton had spent in his room, not being able to sleep without someone next to him.

"Lo..? where's...?"

"Virgil had to get up, it's alright you can go back to sleep." Logan spoke to him in a soft tone, not like the usual tone he kept up when talking to the group.


Eventually Roman walked into the room, Logan looked glad to see him as he slowly stood up, gently placing Patton on the couch.
"I have work I must attend to, sit with Patton. If he wakes up just run your hand through his hair it makes him fall back asleep." Logan patted Roman's back and started to walk off. "Make sure he stays asleep, he didn't get much last night he kept having nightmares." Roman nodded and started walking towards Patton.

"Roman?" The side sat up and rubbed at his eye, he was tired but he was confused as to why he kept waking up with a new person in the room with him.
"Yes Pat?"
"Can you c'mere for a sec please?" Roman obliged and moved a bit closer, waiting for Patton to make his request.
"Can you make me some hot cocoa please?"
"I can...but I know you won't be able to sleep tonight if I give you sugar at six in the afternoon."


"Nope, you need to be able to sleep tonight." Roman booped Patton's nose, causing a small smile to spread across the traits face.
"Fine. But I'm not tired anymore, I don't want to sleep." Patton was lying through his teeth, he just didn't want to be babied, he was supposed to be the one babying everyone else.

Roman offered a smile, he reached his hand out and caressed Patton's cheek, making the younger trait lean into his touch and let out a small yawn.
"Are you sure? I could sit with you for a little while, so you wont be lonely." Patton thought about it, letting out a small sigh before he gently pulled Roman down to sit next to him.
"Where'd Logan go by the way?"
"He had to catch up on some work, I'm not sure whether or not he'll be back."
"Oh...okay then."

That was all that was said between the two for a while, Patton had snuggled into Roman's side, Roman had wrapped his arm around Roman and before he knew it, Patton was passed out.

Roman couldn't help but admire how cute the smaller side was, he found it adorable how Patton's hair was already all mussed up from sleeping so much that day, and the way he slept with his mouth slightly opened and the softest breaths could be heard escaping his mouth. His eyelashes looked adorable in the lighting as the sun was starting to set and he just found Patton to be the absolute cutest, but so did all the others.
That's why Patton was still single, as well as all the others, for they were all in love with Patton and were lucky enough that he excepted all of them for it, he just didn't want to hurt any of their feelings when it came down to picking one to date. He loved them all equally and couldn't handle breaking two of their hearts simply to be with one.

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