The Pictures

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Roman and Virgil were sitting in the common room with the other two sides. Logan and Patton had been whispering to one another on the other couch. Virgil had a strange suspicion that it was about him but that was just his anxiety talking and it more than likely wasn't true.

"What do you think they're whispering about." Virgil asked, leaning closer to Roman so the others didn't hear him.

"Their wedding, maybe?" he answered with a simple shrug, looking over at the others and laughing quietly with Virgil.

"Whatcha laughing at, kiddo?" 

"Nothing, padre! Virgil, would you care to join me for a Disney movie in my room?" Roman stood up and offered a hand to Virgil. He nodded, gently placing his hand in Roman's and allowed Roman to pull him up.

Roman closed his door behind him and watched as Virgil sat on his bed. He smiled and pushed himself off of his door. He stood in front of Virgil and tilted his chin up.

"What movie do you wanna watch, dear?" Virgil smiled, leaning into Roman's touch.

"You pick something." Roman gave a quick nod before walking over to his t.v and putting on The Black Cauldron before sitting down.

He was leant up against the headboard of the bed, Virgil didn't wait a second before sitting between Roman's legs and leaning against his chest. Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil as the movie began to play.

"So, you think Logan and Pat are dating?" Virgil asked, looking over his shoulder and up at Roman.

"They can't be. If they were, Patton would definitely be clinging to him like crazy. Y'know, the whole sitting on his lap all the time, attached at his hip and things like that."

"'re right." Virgil's eyes started to fall shut while Roman ran his fingers through his hair.

"We can get them to start dating though..." Roman thought aloud, the sentence didn't quite process for Virgil, he started to doze off as Roman kept his fingers in Virgil's hair and his eyes on the t.v.


Virgil's eyes slowly blinked open, he had no intentions of actually getting out of bed, but he knew he needed to actually wake up before Patton came and got him for breakfast.

He looked up through his lashes, realizing that he was laying on Roman chest. He smiled as he felt Roman's chest go up and down, slowly and evenly.
That didn't last too long before Roman stretched his arms up, waking up slowly. His eyes opened and he smiled at the sight in front of him.

"Good morning, Virge."


"Breakfast!" They heard from the kitchen, Virgil groaned, rubbing at his eyes before sitting up straight, his legs straddling Roman's waist while he stretched. His shirt lifting up slightly in the process, Roman couldn't help but lay the palm of his hand on Virgil's pale skin.

"Roman! Your hands are freezing!!" He pulled his shirt down and smacked Roman's hand away from him.

"I couldn't help myself." Roman chuckled, sitting up and pushing Virgil off of him so he could go downstairs. Virgil followed after him.

Patton smiled when he saw the two walking side by side. He then grabbed their free hands. They were being pulled down the hall with no clue to where they were going.

"Where're we going?" Roman asked, trying to pull his hand out of Patton's grasp.

"You'll see kiddo."

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