Remy the Hero

978 37 137

This chapter was requested, and flipping illustrated by EvelynnNightingale !!!!! They're amazing and I appreciate this so much!!

Also, please Vote😊

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The day was any typical other day, Roman and Logan had been fighting about the stupidest thing, and like always, I was there to witness it.

I had been sitting on the dining room table, scrolling through Pinterest(occasionally switching to Tumblr) Roman was sitting in one of the chairs eating Crofters, with a spoon, "straight" out of the jar. I could care less, heck he even made Roman gave me a few bites.

But then Logan walked in, not noticing Roman at first. He went 'straight' to the fridge, he shot up, a worried look on his face as he searched throughout the room.

"Roman." he said very sternly, walking up to Roman and looking at the jar of jam in his hands. "Please tell me you aren't serious." Logan looked down, sighing as he rubbed the temples on his forehead, he looked frustrated. "Could you at least, have the decency to not eat out of the jar?" Logan asked, almost talking like he was seething through his teeth.

"Oh, sorry, my bad. I wasn't paying attention." Roman apologized. "Of course you weren't, you never are!" Logan snapped. "And now the jar is tainted with your- your germs." Logan looked so mad.

"Virgil, how could you let him do that, you know how gross th-" Logan stopped, he noticed I had a spoon in my mouth. "Don't tell me you were eating out of the jar too! Disgusting. That's the most disgusting thing ever, I can't believe this...I'm disappointed in you, this is expected from Roman, but you? I am truly dissapoi-"

"I'm going to stop you right there." Roman stood up, abandoning the jar on the table, and glaring at Logan. "You better apologize to Virgil right now. He did nothing to deserve that rude statement." The tension between these two steadily grew the more they talked to each other.

And to be honest, Logan's statement did hurt me a little, but so what, who cared? It was nothing new...

"I don't have to. You aren't the boss of me" They held a glare for a minute or so.

"Apologize to him." Roman gritted. "No." Logan retorted.

Roman slammed his fist on the table, making me jump, however Logan didn't budge

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Roman slammed his fist on the table, making me jump, however Logan didn't budge. "Dang it Logan, stop being so freaking stubborn!" He yelled, causing me to flinch once again.

"I don't have to listen to you, if anything you should be listening to me, I'm older!" Logan yelled back.

"Age doesn't matter!" Logan scoffed, running his hand through his hair and shaking his head, he was clearly aggregated.

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