Open Book (part 2)

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"What?!" Roman and Virgil both semi sreamed.

"You're a lot smarter than you let on." Logan said, still looking down at me. He was currently standing in front of me, I was sitting down on a picnic table so I actually looked taller than I was. Logan and I were holding hands, and to be honest I don't even remember how we got into this position.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." Logan continued to stare at me with that look in his eyes. It made me feel special, but at the same time, I felt like I did something wrong. His gears were turning in his head, I could tell.


Logan's POV

I'm not sure if this is going to go right...
What if we end up together? Am I going to live my whole life where I can't hide anything.
What if, ten years from now, I want to propose to Patton, and he can tell that I'm hiding something? What if he and I end up in an arguments over something, two smart people can't be good in a relationship, I mean what about opposites attract? Although, the both of us being male already rules out that little saying.

"Logan? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry!" He quickly apoliziged for nothing.

I looked down at him, seeing his precious face. His slightly pudgy cheeks, light brown eyes and the array of freckles that started on one cheek, traveled over his nose and stop on his other cheek. He was oddly...cute. I mean of course he is, but cute in more ways than one. He reminds me of a child but at the same time someone so kind and caring, like a mother, in some wierd way.

What if we do end up together, and life goes on, I might be the happiest I've ever been.

What if we end up getting married, having kids, and growing old together?

He and I could be together forever and we would both love and care for the other...

"Logan..?" I blinked a few times, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Patton, would you like to go on a date with me this Friday, perhaps around eight pm?" I asked him.


And we're back to Patton's POV!
Places everyone!


"Id love to, Logan." I smiled up at him. No longer worried if I did something wrong, he was clearly just caught up in his thoughts.

"What just happened? They do still know we're here, yes?" I heard Roman ask. I looked down at him and Virgil and they were looking at each other.

"I'm not sure if anyone knows I'm here, sometimes I feel invisible, like in a good way. To the point where I could get up, and do whatever I wanted and no one knows because they couldn't see me. Or like I can pause time and do the same thing!" Virgil said, Roman looking at him with a lovey dovey look in his eyes.


After I put all my things in my locker for the end of the day, I went to leave the school, but to my surprise, Logan was right there.

"What can I do for ya?" I asked him. We both started walking to the front of the school, I often walk home, so we'd split then.

"Today is Friday." I stopped, looked at him, and then at my phone.

It was indeed Friday.

"Well shoot, that was smooth now wasn't it?" I laughed awkwardly after saying that, like the idiot I was.

"Are you not free?" He sounded a bit disappointed even having to ask that.

"I am, but I need to change." I looked down at what I was currently wearing, loose khaki's, a blue polo shirt and a cardigan I had on to cover a ketchup stain.

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