The Ghost (part 2)

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A few months later and Patton had practically moved in with Logan. Patton would ride in the passenger seat, fully visible so it didn't look like Logan was talking to himself.  He would watch movies with Logan at their home when Logan found free time, they went everywhere together, and it was down right adorable.

One afternoon as Logan was on his way to Roman's, he was talking to Patton. 

"How are you Patton, I haven't asked you in a while." Logan quickly glanced towards Patton before looking back at the road. "I'm doing great." Patton flashed a big smile. 

"Thank you for asking." Patton was somewhat blushing, getting shy the more he talked to Logan. Patton knew he was falling for him, but he knew he couldn't ever tell Logan. That would be weird. They couldn't date...isn't that necrophilia? An attraction towards a dead person is considered necrophilia. Right?

"How are you doing Logi." Patton asked him. 
"I am doing satisfactory, thank you for asking." They were both falling for each other, but neither knew how to take action of these feelings.


A few moments later, as the two sat in the car, in comfortable silence until they reached Roman's house. 

Logan knocked on the door, Patton waited with him instead of floating through the door. 

"Logan! Come in, Thomas is here!" Thomas exclaimed, throwing the door open and allowing the two of them in. 

"Thomas?" Logan and Patton both asked in unison. "As in Thomas from high school?" After hearing this, Patton quickly went translucent. He was okay with people on the streets seeing him ride in a car, but a new person, that he would be face to face with? He wasn't sure if he could handle it.

"Patton, it's alright, Thomas won't hurt you." Logan said, trying to calm his companion down.

"I won't hurt who?" Thomas asked, popping into view. 

"It is you. Well, it's wonderful to see you again Thomas." Logan was smiling, happy to see his old friend, he held out his hand to greet him but Thomas wrapped his arms around Logan.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" Thomas said, letting go of Logan. Patton was backing up a little. he loved how excited and upbeat this Thomas guy was, but he was growing incredibly jealous at the fact that he could hug Logan. 

Logan could sense that Patton was no longer next to him, he was good at that now. "Where...?" Logan slowly spun around the room, noticing Patton's very faint appearence in the back of the room. He smiled slightly, not wanted to intimidate him more than Patton was already feeling.

"What's Logan doing?" Thomas whispered to Roman, who wore a smirk on his face, finding his brother and Patton to be adorable. "Watch." Roman told him.

Roman turned around and grabbed a pen off the counter. "Hey Logan!" Roman called out to him as soon as the pen left his hand. Logan turned around and the next thing he knew, the pen was floating right before his eyes. Logan smiled fondly, knowing that the now invisible ghost had saved him from getting hit, again.

"Woah! How'd he do that?! Does he have super powers? Do it again please!?" Thomas asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He already had another pen in his hand waiting for Logan to say okay.

Patton sighed but couldn't keep the smile off his face at the reaction of Thomas. "Go for it." Logan knew Patton was having fun with this, he alway did when people at work reacted the same, except Patton never fully showed himself when he was at Logan's work. He was always a faint appearence, so faint that no regular person would notice him even upon third glance, but Logan can spot him out in any crowd, he knew what Patton looked like too much to miss him in anywhere.

Logan picked the pen out of Patton's hand, or 'out of the air', and 'prepared' to catch the next one, without his hands. And when Thomas threw the pen, Patton caught it instantly. 

"How do you do that?" Thomas asked, walking up to Logan. 

"There's a ghost that follows me around and catches anything that's about to hit me." Logan said plainly. Giving him the exact truth, but Thomas laughed. 

"You mean like Ratatouille?" Thomas asked with another laugh, but then he abrutly stopped. "Wait, Ratatouille wasn't a lie. That actually happened." Thomas looked around the room. "Is there a ghost in here? Can you see him? Am I allowed to see him?" Thomas asked, first scared but got more excited as he asked more questions.

"Patton? Are you comfortable enough to show yourself in front of Thomas." Logan asked, slightly turning his head and making direct eye contact with Patton, who was slowly showing up with the beuatiful silhouette of blue around him. 

"Oh my Irene! You're adorable!" Thomas cooed. "Can I hug you? Logan can you touch a ghost?" Thomas asked, knowing that Logan practically knew everything there was about everything. 

"No, I don't believe so, however...I have yet to try." Logan looked at Patton, glancing down at his lips, but quickly averted his eyes to look at Patton's hand. And without hesitation he reached down and tried to hold Patton's hand. And, to his surprise, their fingers intertwined. Logan's face turned a bright shade of red, and Patton's would have too if he still had blood to rise to his cheeks. 

"Well...Why haven't we ever tried to do it before?" The longer Logan held Patton's hand the more he noticed how cold Patton was is, but he also took note of how perfectly there hands fit with one another.

"You're so..." The both started.
"Warm." They quickly looked up at each other, finally taking there eyes off of their hands. 

"OMI! Aren't they precious?" Roman asked, pulling his boyfriend (who has been there this whole time, author-chan just forgot to write that in and is too lazy to go back and add it) into a hug.

"Yes Roman, yes they are." Virgil said, turning to place a gentle kiss on Roman's lips.

"Now kiss." Thomas told them. Logan and Patton both turned to the other three. "Why on Earth would y-you suggest t-that?" Patton asked.
"Was that c-comment necessary?" Logan asked.
The two were both clearly flustered.

"You two are clearly in love. C'mon lil' bro, I know you better than anyone, well perhaps not Patton, but I know you better than anyone else, and I know for a fact that you have never looked at another person, another thing on this planet the same way you look at Patton. It's such a soft and gentle look but at the same time a look that says 'I love you so much and I would die before I let anyone hurt you' kinda look. Know what I mean?" Roman asked, throwing his arm around Logan's shoulder, who, just so happened, to still have his hand still in Patton's, by the way. 

"Just like how Roman looks at me. I love that look. And Patton, I can tell that you love that look just as much as I do." Virgil told him, booping him on the nose. 

"I...I-" Logan shook off Roman's arm, and before letting Patton finish his stutter, and kissed him. The warmth of Logan's lips and the chill of Patton's mixed perfectly and evened everything out. 

Patton was Logan's yin to his yang.
The penut butter to his jelly. (you're the butterflies I feel in my belly)
The sprinkles to his ice cream.
(The Roman to his Virgil)

He was his muse, yet his worst destruction (his rhythm and blues)
They were hot and also cold (yes and then no!)
And much much more. 


Hope this reached all your expectations for the second part to this, I apologize if it didn't. (I actually somewhat liked how this one came out(of the closet))

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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