Halloween: Part 2

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Virgil walked in front of the camera and you looked you dead in the eyes.

"So, we meet again? I believe last halloween we fooled you? Yeah that's right. I suppose now would be a good time to tell some spooky stories now wouldnt?"

Virgil took a moment to think, once a story came into mind he directed his attention back onto you.

"How about we begin with one I like to call: Night of the Living Monster? Sound good, good.
It all started one night when Patton was baking cookies..."


"Logi! Can you come help me?" Patton was in the kitchen, mixing together another batch of cookies and the oven was going off because a different batch was done.

Logan, having heard his name, walked into the kitchen to get the cookies out without being told to.

"Thanks Lo." Patton took a cookie from a batch from that morning, having been baking all day, there were a few to spare.
"No problem Patton...may I ask you something?"
Patton had nodded, not looking over to Logan as he continued to mix.
"How many cookies have you eaten today?"
"More than two dozen? Why?"

"Oh dear lord...I'll be in my room, only come and get me if you are bleeding or you are dying, understood?" Patton hesitantly nodded and then gave a verbal answer before Logan left the room, he didn't;t know what Logan was in such a rush to get out of there, but he just assumed he had work to catch up so he didn't question him.

A little while later Patton had finished baking cookies he hopped off into the hallway and skipped over to Virgil's door, knocking and not really waiting for an answer before he barged into Virgil's room with a bright smile.
"Kiddo! Do you wanna go do something? Maybe color or play tag or hide and seek?" Patton didn't take a breath the whole time he was talking, he wore a bright smile on his face and he was bouncing on the balls of his feet as he impatiently waited for Virgil to answer him.
"Not right now? Sorry pops, Roman's gonna come watch movies with me in a bit, maybe some other time?" Virgil smiled softly, trying not to hurt Patton's feelings.
"But I'm here now, and Roman isn't. So lets go draw or something, pretty please?"
"No Pat, go ask Logan to do draw with you or whatever."
"Logan told me not to bother him unless I am bleeding or dying, and currently, I am doing neither of those. So..." Patton took a few steps forwards, when he got to the side of Virgil's bed he reached a hand out and quickly tickled Virgil, Virgil squealed and erupted into a fit of laughter, he attempted his escape and once free he ran to Logan's room, Patton close on his heels, once at Logan's room he ran in and slammed the door behind him, locking the door behind him and went over to the desk that was in the middle of the room and ducked behind it, only to see Logan hunched over reading a book about WW2.

"Has it happened yet?"

"Has what happened?"

Logan looked Virgil dead in the eyes and spoke in serious tone.
"The sugar high."


"No? Not scary enough for ya?" Virgil crossed his arms and looked off to the distance as he thought about another story to tell. "I personally found that one very scary, Patton was practically bouncing off the walls, he had gotten to Roman because we locked him out of Logan's room, poor should...Oh! Hold up, I've got a story to tell, this one has to scare the socks right off you.
So, Roman and I were leaving his room in the middle of the night..."


"Ro, let's go! You're already in costume and your makeup is perfectly done. We've gotta get to Patton's little party thing." Virgil tried to rush his boyfriend, but roman would continue being himself and he would take as much time as he needed in order to look perfect.

He had chosen to be himself for that Halloween, saying that it was the best costume ever and whatever. So he wore his prince outfit and put on makeup, well, Virgil did his makeup for him because Roman insited on it. But Virgil dodnt mind all that much.
"I have to look perfect...alright I'm ready!" Roman walked out of his room, closing the door behind him, and took Virgil's hand in his, he wore a bright smile and he thought he looked fantastic, Virgil would agree.

"You dont even have to try that hard..." although Virgil had mumbled, Roman still heard him, and to show his appreciation he kissed Virgils hand.
"Thank you, mi amor~" a light blush appeared on Virgil's face but he didn't continue the conversation.

It was a very short walk to Patton's house, as they were neighbors, and Virgil was thankful for that because of how hot he was in his costume, he had dressed up as a baseball player, he even wore a backwards cap that pushed his bangs out of his face, way out of his comfort zone by the way.

"So, what's gonna go on during this party? Patton isn't the type to go all out and scary so I think it's gonna be all cutesy and whatnot." Roman rung the doorbell and while they waited Virgil simply shrugged, his eyes went wide when he heard a scream erupt through the house. 

Roman and Virgil shared a look before barging into the house, when they turned into the kitchen they noticed Patton on the floor with blood around him and falling off of his chest. They also noticed Logan standing on his knees, a knife on the floor next to him and his hand was stretched out as if he had dropped something, which the two assumed was the knife.

"Logan! What the hell did you do! Did you hurt him!? Did you kill him!? I'm gonna kill you if you did." Virgil walked up to Logan, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as he stared Logan down.

"I-I didn't mean to..."

"Screw that! I'm gonna-!" When Virgil grabbed the collar of Logan's shirt, Patton had shot up, making Virgil scream like a girl because he was terrified.

"We thought the nerd killed you!" Roman finally stepped in and eyed Patton, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as well. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry it was supposed to be a joke!"


"And we're gonna end that there, because I cried that night...Any who, those are your spooky stories for the year, come again next year and we'll see what the author comes up with then. Goodnight and Happy Halloween!"


Author talked in 3rd person all day today because she was dared to, she completed the challenge and she's proud to say that she is annoyed with herself and has annoyed many other people in the process.

She had a blast on halloween and the day after because she had parties to go to. Dotty is a very extraverted person and she absolutely loves hanging out with people.

Dotty wishes everyone a happy halloween and an amazing night.
~Have An Amazing Day!!

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