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"Virgil!!" Roman walked around the mind space, looking for his beloved. "Virgil?" Roman looked in the room belonging to Virgil. He had found his boyfriend sitting in a chair in the corner of his room, scrolling through his phone. 

"Virgil, dearest? What are you doing? In here? All by your lonesome?" Roman walked in, closing the door behind him. 
"Roman, I need space. We literally started dating a few days ago and you're already being all lovey dovey and stuff. You know I can't handle being coddled it makes me all flustered and I just wanna be alone and-"

"But Virgil. You ran away right after I kissed you this morning, so I haven't seen you in hours." Roman wore a playful smile, smirking as he noticed the light blush on Virgil's face. 
"R-right, sorry..." 
"It's alright, dearest. How about you make it up to me, and binge watch Disney with me?" Roman asked, leaning in closer to Virgil and using his fist to lightly bring up Virgil's chin, wanting his undivided attention. "Sound alright, Kitten?" 

"D-Don't call me that!" Virgil pushed Roman away, a heavy shade of red on his face. "Well?~" Roman questioned further. 
"Y-yeah, we can do that. What movie?" Virgil hesitantly looked back up, only to see Roman smirking down at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Virgil snapped. 
"Because I love you." Roman leaned down, placing his lips to Virgil's, lightly kissing him. Virgil immediately calmed down, entranced by Roman. 
"Yeah yeah yeah, let's go watch that movie." Roman was happy with that answer, picking Virgil up, bridal-style. Virgil yelped, holding onto Roman's shirt as he hid his face in Roman's chest. 
"P-put me down!" Virgil complained, but he honestly didn't mind. Roman carried Virgil out of his room and into Roman's. 

"I say we start with an original, perhaps Cinderella or Snow-White. And then we can continue with an action packed movie like Big Hero 6. Then-"

"Pump the breaks, Princey. We can watch a few movies, but how long are we...gonna be together?" Virgil asked, he had already planned to spend his afternoon hiding in his room and perhaps cry for an hour or so.

"As long as I can? Perhaps all night? I just want to stay with you for as long as possible." Roman closed the door behind him as they finally made it into Roman's room. He picked up the remote to his t.v. before sitting on his bed and leaving Virgil in his arms; well more like in his lap. 
"I-I guess we can watch movies all night..." 

Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil, resting his forehead on Virgil's shoulder. He let out a content sigh as he sat with Virgil. 
"I hope you know that I love you so, so much. You are amazing, beyond amazing. You're spectacular and stunning and just so beautiful. I'm really lucky to have you in my life- to have you as my boyfriend! I love you, and I wouldn't trade you for the world." 

Virgil's face was getting redder by the second, he really couldn't take compliments well. "R-Roman, stop. You know I-"
"Yeah, yeah. I know, you don't take compliments, but what do you expect? I'm Roman, the romantic and fanciful aspect of Thomas, I have to give you all the compliments and express all my love for you, because it's just what I do."

"I love you too..." Virgil mumbled, looking down at his hands as he listened to Roman. 

Roman placed a kiss to Virgil's cheek, then going down his neck and continuing the trail of kisses to his shoulder.
"Roman, stop it." Virgil nudged Roman, trying to push him away. 

"I want kisses." Roman complained.

"Dude, you are going to kill me with your needy-ness."

"Dude? I am not a dude. I am a Prince. Also, do you not like my affection?"
"I d-didn't say that! I don't care if you want to give me affection, I just can't take it as well as others can." 

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