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It was storming outside. Thomas was editing a video with Roman, Logan and Patton with him. No one knew why Virgil wasn't with them but they had to get the video done and looking for Virgil would just put them behind. That's what Logan said anyway. 

"Is the weather supposed to get worse today?" Patton asked as he looked out the window in Thomas' room. 

"The news this morning suggested a thunder storm. Perhaps lightening, but nothing more. Why do you ask, Patton?" 
"I just wanted know if I could go out to the garden today in the imagination room." Patton shrugged and sat down on the bed next to Logan.

"So, is the video almost done?" Roman asked. He loved stormy weather and preferred to sit next to a window and, this may be surprising, but read. It was his favorite thing to do, besides watching Disney movies and sing. But reading fantasy books and listening to the rain always calmed him down. 

"Yeah, I can finish this if you guys wanna leave." 

"Alright, bye kiddo!" Patton sunk down, with Logan following right after. 
"Farewell Thomas." Roman saluted him and then joined the others. 


When Roman returned to the common room Logan was already reading some science book on the couch with Patton cuddled up next to him with a blanket wrapped around him. Roman always thought the two acted like a couple but he never pointed it out, not wanting to embarrass Patton. 

Roman sat in the window sill, not bothering to talk to the other two anymore. He snapped his fingers, summoning a fairytale book. It was already raining in the mind space. 

A few minutes of reading and thunder struck. Which would have been fine if it weren't for the bloodcurdling scream that followed after. 

Patton sat up abruptly, but didn't stand yet. Roman made eye contact with Logan. "What was that?" Roman was about to stand bu decided against it, for now.

"How am I supposed to know?" Logan asked in return.

Eventually everyone relaxed again, not paying much attention to it. 

But then it happened again. 
First the lightning, bright enough to light up the whole room, then the thunder, then the scream.

This time Roman stood up, putting his book down without bothering to bookmark the page.
"I'm going to check on Virgil..." Roman said a bit rushed as he walked down the hallway.

Roman's POV

I stopped in front of Virgil's door, giving it a quick few knocks. 
"Virgil? Can I come in?" I asked. But I received no response. 

I pushed on the door and to my surprise it was unlocked. 

I walked in, Virgil's room was dark and no one was in there. The bed was neatly made but Virgil's desk had papers scattered all over it. 
I slowly made my way over to the desk, picking up a paper. The sheet had a quick, sloppy sketch of a women in a dress. It wasn't finished either and their was a line that went from one side of the page to the other. It was a zig saggy line. As if someone was scared when they had drawn it. 

'What could have scared Virgil bad enough to make him mess up his sketch?' I thought to myself. Virgil always took drawing very seriously. He loved drawing, he drew all the time. 

Out of no where I heard a muffled sob. I put the papers down and started walking towards his slightly cracked open, closet door. Lightning struck again, the sobbing got louder and then the thunder came. Another scream, emitted from Virgil's closet. 
I calmly opened his door. 
And their sat Virgil, a crying mess. But it tore my heart apart to see him like that. His hair was a mess, as if he had ran his hands through it many times. He was hugging his knees and he was looking up at me, with wide eyes, he looked surprised to see me. 

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