The Relationships

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The sides had all just filming a video. They were all standing around Thomas' living room, talking amongst one another. Everyone was talking, everyone except Logan that is.
Logan had his hand on his tie, having just re-adjusted it after the video, he couldn't take his eyes off of Patton who had been laughing at something Roman and Virgil were arguing about. 

"C'mon Princey, we both know that you have never truly defeated the dragon witch." Virgil teased, crossing his arms and smiling at Roman who pretended to look offended. 
"Tis but a lie! Do not listen to him!" 
"No, think about-"
"Tis but a lie!" 

"Logan?" Logan turned to look in Thomas' direction, blinking a few times as he came back to reality.
"Yes, Thomas?" Logan brought his hands down, crossing his arms as he waited for Thomas to ask whatever it is he was gonna ask. 

"I was just wondering why you were staring off into space." Logan raised an eyebrow, his attention being caught by Patton's laugh, his eyes once again locked on Patton and a content sigh left his mouth. The smallest smile rested on his lips as he zoned back out - completely ignoring Thomas.

"You're smiling." Patton beamed, he bounced on the balls of his feet. 
"I suppose I am." 


Roman sat on the couch, his elbow propped up on the arm of the couch as he watched '101 Dalmatians' he was focused intently on the movie. Virgil was sat on the opposite side of the couch, scrolling through his phone. 
Logan sat criss cross on the floor, focusing on the puzzle that Patton had gotten him for his birthday. 
And Patton was busy helping Thomas learn how to cook a new meal. 

It didn't take long before Patton came back with a smile, sitting down on the floor next to Logan. He leaned closer to Logan, bumping his shoulder to get his attention.  
"Evening, Patton. How're you?" Logan looked over at him, smiling at Patton's presence. 
"I'm a-okay. You want any help with that their puzzle of yours?" 
"I wouldn't mind." Patton leaned against Logan and picked up a piece of the puzzle, thinking for a second before placing it down. 


The puzzle was finished about an hour later and they all started to pay attention to the movie. Logan leaned on the couch with Patton laying on his shoulder. Virgil had set his phone down and watched the movie as well. Laughing along with the others whenever Roman commented on the movie. 
It didn't take long before Patton drifted off to sleep.

It was probably nine at night when Patton started to wake up. The credits to some movie were playing and everyone was asleep. Logan's head was leaning on the couch and his lips were slightly parted. 
Virgil was sprawled out on the couch, his head in Roman's lap. Roman was asleep with his head propped up on his arm, he had one and on Virgil's chest, simply laying there. 

"Logan...?" Patton nudged Logan's arm, he knew the position he was in would probably leave his neck sore in the morning. 
"Logan, wake up." Patton let out a small yawn, trying to sit up but was stopped when Logan wrapped his arms around Patton. He rested his head on Patton's shoulder.
"You should be asleep." Logan mumbled.
"I know, I know. But you can't sleep like that, you'll hurt your neck, silly." He giggled softly, managing to get out of Logan's grasp, much to his disappointment.

"Roman." Patton snapped his fingers in front of Roman's face. His eyes opened slightly but he was still half-asleep, if even.
"You need to lay down so you don't wake up sore." Patton told him, glancing over at Logan who sleepily made his way over to the free couch and lying down, immediately closing his eyes and falling back asleep.

"Mm." Roman turned his head, ignoring Patton. 
"Roman, c'mon." Roman opened his eyes again, sighing sleepily as Patton grabbed Virgil's hands so he'd be off of Roman. 

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