Reasons Why I Love You

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Logan and Patton were standing around in the kitchen, Patton had been sitting on the counter and he and Logan were talking about anything and everything, conversation easily striking up.

"Don't you think Virgil and Roman are just adorable?" Patton smiled brightly after hearing Roman flirting with the emo in the other room. 
"I suppose you could say that..." Logan's voice dropped, he mumbled something under his breath that Patton hadn't quite heard.
"Could you repeat that?" Patton asked, watching as Logan became uncomfortable.

"I'd rather not." 


He sighed, looking up at Patton. He didn't want to continue this conversation but he knew Patton wouldn't let it go until he explained himself.
"I said that I'd never be able to achieve what those two have."
"And why would you think that?"
"Patton, you and I both know that no one could love me, especially not romantically." He said it with such a stoic expression that it had thrown Patton off completely.

"Excuse me?!" Patton hopped off the counter, standing close to Logan and looking up at him. He knew he had Logan's full attention. "I could name five- No! More than five reasons why someone would love you!" Patton exclaimed, poking Logan in the chest. The logical trait didn't react much, he simply crossed his arms and looked down at Patton with a smirk resting on his lips. 
"Go on." 

Patton's cheeks were now a bright pink but he wasn't going to back down, especially when he had five reasons off the top of his head.
"Well, to start off, you're super freaking sweet! You may be stubborn at times but you care about us, and me. You always make sure we are doing alright and that we're taking care of ourselves."

"For Thomas' sake." Patton rolled his eyes, continuing on after brushing off what Logan said.

"And you have an amazing smile! It curves up like a cat sometimes and whenever you smile it brightens up the whole room."
"That's is physically impossible."
"It always brightens my day and if it's capable of doing that then it is capable to brighten any room! Plus, it's hard to make you smile sometimes, so when you do - it feels like such an amazing reward." Logan didn't object this time. 
"And you always act so logical and smart and put together, but after awhile of getting to know you, the real Logan Sanders, I know that you are so childish. It's adorable and it's nice to see you let loose sometimes. And it's so cool how you can put your full focus on something - heaven know's I can't. And, and! When you open a book you get so into it that you'll make these faces while you read, like you're reacting to it without even realizing, and once you finish a book you always carefully put your bookmark in the second to last page and you hold it. You hold it and sit there until you've given yourself enough time to process everything and then you smile..." 

Patton looked up through his lashes, noticing the soft smile on Logan's face. His cheeks turned a darker shade of pink but he didn't dare to move. That was until Logan started to walk forward, only stopping once Patton's back his the counter. 

"You, Patton Sanders, are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. You tend for us more than I do anyone else. You manage to balance out your feelings, Virgil's, Roman's - hell, even my own complicated ones - and you also balance the chores, cooking, work and everything else that goes on. You are here and present for everything. You know everything, and even though your common sense is figuratively out of the window, you have so much knowledge in your brain that you do not give yourself enough credit for."

"I'm not that smart Lo..."

"You can name everyone's birthdays, first and last names, you know every character name in every tv series or book series that Thomas has ever taken interest in. You have memorized any upcoming doctor, dentist or eye doctor appointment that Thomas has coming up. You have memorized every recipe that every one of us loves and you have put so much effort into getting to know everyone - within the mind space and within Thomas' life - just so you can understand how to help them whenever they are in a crisis. Should I go on?"
"N-no...that's not needed."

"Very well, now, unlike myself, you are very lovable. Anyone and everyone who has ever met you loves you. And you are very capable of having someone love you romantically, so much so that you've even made me love you in that sense."
"You love me-"
"I am not finished. I love how you care for everyone, I love how you're adorable personality matches well with your features. I love how you are always here for me and always with me. I love how you never pick someones side from a biased point of view. I love you." 

" love me?" 

Patton's voice came out so small and hesitantly that Logan knew he had to make sure that he'd get his point across. 

"Yes. I love you." 

"C-can I...can you kiss me?" 

Logan smiled, picking Patton up and placing him on the counter, slowly leaning in before his lips touched Patton's. The two melted into the gentle kiss, Logan's hands were rested on Patton's hips and Patton's arms were draped over Logan's shoulders.

"What it happening in here?" Roman asked, his voice teasing the two.

"Nothing!" Patton looked over Logan's shoulder after their kiss had ended, his cheeks were bright red and he knew there was no hiding it. 
"What did happen here?" Virgil asked, looking from Roman to the other two.

"They were kissing and exchanging 'I love you's' and-"
"Roman shut up!" Patton his his face in the crook of Logan's neck, not being able to contain his embarrassment.
"We may, or may not be, dating." Logan told them, not being too sure as he hadn't gotten around to asking Patton. 

"Oh my Irene! We're dating too!" Roman announced, pulling Virgil into a hug.
"We know." Logan turned around and looked at them with a bored expression, he was already done with these two and wished they would just go away.


~Have An Amazing Day!!

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