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Roman's POV


It's Halloween tomorrow! I'm currently making mine and Virgil's costume and it's going to be great. Virgil doesn't know it yet, but since he never dresses up for Halloween he's going to be the Keith to my Lance. He's going to be so cute in his outfit.

Virgil may be my crush...for years, but still, I need to stay chill. He doesn't need to know that his best friend loves him. I just have to push down my feelings and everything will be a-okay. 


As I finished the jacket for Virgil's costume Patton walked into my room.

"C'mon Roman, we're watching Nightmare Before Christmas!" He had a big smile on his face and his cheeks were rosy as they normally were. He was wearing his onesie, it was a movie night after all.

"I'll be right there Patton." I told him. He nodded and headed off, before back tracking to ask me something.

"Can you tell Virgil? I want to finishing decorating the cookies with Logan." I laughed at that, he told me about his "little" crush on Logan not too long ago. "Sure Pat, now go to your boyfriend." I teased, standing up out of my chair and pushing him out of my room. "...shut your face." He mumbled walking off towards the kitchen. I stayed in the hallway for a minute, I felt like something was coming.

"What did you do to make him so flustered?" Logan asked walking up to me. That's it, that's what I was expecting. "Hm? Nothing. I have to go get Virgil now." I ran off before he could continue.


I knocked on Virgil's door. Greeted with his adorable, tired face. He wasn't wearing his foundation, so I could see the freckles that were littered across his cheeks and nose. His eye shadow wasn't as dark as it normally was, but he was still wearing it. 
He was wearing his signature hoodie and his black skinny jeans. His hair was a mess, but it made him even cuter. 

"It's...uh, it's time for the movie." I informed him. I may have been a little off because of how cute he was, but it was fine. I hope. "Why aren't you wearing you're pj's?" He asked me with his signature smirk. 

"I forgot to change, Logan had let me no other choice but to run away." I explained. "Why'd you run away?" He asked allowing me to walk into his room. "I made Patton blush and Logan started interrogating me." Virgil laughed at that, his adorable freaking laugh. "Those two need to start dating." I agreed with his statement. 

He walked into his closet and walked back out with his fuzzy black sleeping pants with pumpkins on them, and his hoodie was still on. I snapped my fingers so I was now wearing my white tank top and matching pants to Virgil. I had bought them for us around last Halloween. 

"Really Princey?" Virgil asked when he saw what I was wearing, I could have sworn I saw a faint blush on his face. "Of course. What else would I be wearing?" I asked him. 

I walked up to him and offered my hand, bowing down a little. "Shall we go?" I asked him, he rolled his eyes but placed his hand in mine. I sunk out and took us both to Thomas' living room.

"You guys finally came, come on lets watch the movie." Thomas said happily, patting the couch next to him. He was sitting in the corner of the couch, Patton and Logan were on his right. Leaving only the left side opened. 

I sat down first, and pulled Virgil down next to me. He laughed when I did that, causing me to smile. Once he stopped giggling he wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. 

"Ready?" They asked us. We both said yes and he played the movie. 


When the movie finished Thomas, Virgil and Patton had all fallen asleep, leaving Logan and I alone. 

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