First Kiss

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Virgil had been wandering through the school halls, the lunch bell had rung a few minutes ago and he was slowly making his way to the cafeteria through the abandoned halls. He was contemplating about the day he had had earlier. How annoying Roman had been lately.

Anyways, just to catch you up, because the author is a bit lazy, Patton was telling both Roman and Virgil the previous morning about how he and Logan had shared their first kiss over the weekend. Virgil was happy for them and whatever. But Roman, ever since he had been told, he couldn't help but feel jealous over the fact that he was in high school and yet still hadn't had his first kiss. Nevertheless, he was still happy for the two, he would just complain, to Virgil, throughout the day about how much he wished he had a boyfriend to share a kiss with.

Any-who, Virgil was on his way to lunch, as soon as he entered the cafeteria he steered towards the door that led outside to the picnic tables where his friends sat.

"Virgil! What took you so long to get here? Lunch started like, eight minutes ago!" Patton greeted Virgil with a bright smile, only to get a small wave in return.

Virgil noticed that his usual spot next to Patton was being occupied by Logan, so he was forced to sit next to Roman,he didn't mind all that much but he didn't like change as much as Roman did so he didn't feel too comfortable sitting on the opposite side of the table, and he wasn't looking forward to all the new nicknames that Roman would make up during the lunch period. Virgil set his stuff down next to the table and sat down next to Roman, he quickly scooted away when he felt his leg graze Roman's, even if the charismatic teenager didn't notice.

"Where's your lunch?" Patton questioned, looking up at Virgil as he noticed that VIrgil didn't have a tray in front of him like they did. VIrgil shrugged and placed his head down on the table, blocking out any of the real world. Patton's soft sigh ended that conversation, he turned to face Logan and smiled brightly, starting conversation with him.

"Hey, gloomy, why don't you take part in the conversation?" Roman lightly nudged Virgil's arm. He could alrea dry sense how annoyed Virgil was but he didn't really care.

A "Shut up, Roman." Was mumbled from Virgl, he didn't bother looking up.

"Fine, be like that. Patton, Logan, what led up to your first kiss? Who initiated it? I bet it was Logan...the kiss must've been magical, and a spark was there right? Boy, what I would give to have a kiss that was so magical that a spark flew through us. And it would have to be te perfect timing, I'd take him to somewhere romantic, maybe under the stars...But jeez the kiss must be so-" that was all Virgil could take before he quickly sat up, grabbed Roman's face and kissed him.

"Oh my...I would've never seen that coming" Logan spoke softly, not wanting to disturb the two, that were still kissing mind you, Patton looked over and gasped quietly, a smile slowly creeping it's way on his face.

Although Virgil's face was bright red, he didn't regret kissing Roman. He had pulled away, still centimeters from Roman's face and his hands still on his cheeks, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before saying anything.
"I swear, if you do not shut up about your first kiss, I will personally kill you. Now quit." Virgil moved his hands away from Roman, but before he could turn alback around, Roman had put his hand on Virgil's cheek, just to keep Virgil's attention on him for a bit longer.

"You didn't do it right."
"What? What the hell Roman?! Just, leave me alone and continue on with your lunch."

"No. Hush, let me finish." Roman waited a minute to make sure he wouldn't interrupt him. "Good. You were too rushed, Virgil. You need to kiss someone more slowly, more gently, enjoy the kiss. Dont try to get it over with, enjoy it." Roman spoke sweetly, making Virgil swoon for him.

Roman's eyes glanced down at Virgil's lips, and he didn't hesitate to kiss him, again.

"Woah...I definitely didn't see that happening!" Patton squealed, he couldn't help but be excited.

Virgil quickly pulled away, staring at Roman with wide eyes and a red cheeks.
"I-I...I'm sorry" Virgil's eyes were watery and he didn't give Roman enough time to calm him down before he gathered his stuff and ran inside to find a bathroom to hide in.

Roman looked over at Patton, trying to make sure that he didn't do anything wrong.
"Roman, go get him. Make sure he's okay. And once he is, make sure he eats something." Roman did as told and grabbed his stuff before heading back to the school as well.


"Virgil?" Roman walked into one of the school bathrooms, it was the one Virgil always went to, he didn't go into any other bathroom for some unknown reason.
"I know you're in here, I can hear your sniffles." Roman knocked on one if the stalls, walking in when he heard it unlock.

"Why are you crying dearest?" Roman asked, sitting on the floor with Virgil.
"Dont call me that..." Virgil's gaze was focused on the floor, not wanting to face Roman.
"I apologize, but Virge, why are you crying?"

It took a minute for Virgil to pull together an answer but he did anyways. "I d-dont know,maybe it's because I stole your first kiss after you've been talking about how perfect you wanted it to be! Maybe it's because I feel guilty because I enjoyed it but I you must feel awful and grossed out because your first kiss was from me! And-and...I'm afraid you don't share the same feelings I have for you, and I just ruined our friendship..."

"Virgil, listen to me. You may have stolen my first kiss, but I'm so glad it was you. And you better believe I like you too, I mean, I not only kissed you back, but I also kissed you again, does that not tell you anything?" Roman smiled, noticing how Virgil was fidgeting with his hoodie sleeves like he did all the time.



"I love you."

"Love you too..."


Sorry for not posting for a while, I'm procrastinating with writing (that's a lame excuse for not having any story ideas) and I'm currently busy making birthday presents, and inktober on tik tok, as well as school work

And I know, I know, lame excuses, I'll try and write a chapter for my other book and try to be more scheduled with chapters but I can't promise.

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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