For the Reward

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Virgil looked around the field, his eyes wide and his chest heavy. His head was throbbing and he had blood all over him. The sword in his hands was almost broken and dulled and his friends around him all looked on the verge of death. 
He had no idea what to do. He had no idea what was to happen to him. The one thing he did know? He knew he had to do something about the giant orange monstrosity that stood before them. 

Virgil's eyes caught a glimpse of movement - that movement being Deceit. Virgil bolted towards him, falling to his knees once he came to Deceit's side. 
Nothing was said between them for a minute, they both simply stared up at the monster up ahead. The clouds up ahead were dark and gloomy.

"How did we get here?" Virgil's words carried through the wind, the monsters ears perking up as he heard the fear in his voice. It's head slowly turned towards the men on the ground, it's eyes meeting Virgil's.


Roman ran into the house, the noise of the people outside filling the foyer of the house. It was market day so people were up and at it as soon as the sun was up. The town that the house was in was bustling and people were ecstatic to see distant neighbors again.

"Guys! Guys!" Roman called out, causing the five other men that lived in the house, to leave their rooms.

"What's up Ro?" Patton, the shortest amongst them, had asked. His eyes immediately looked down at a piece of paper that Roman had slammed down on the table. 
"This! Look, there's been talk about a dragon up in the mountains! We have to go and fight 'em! It's said here that's it's worth a lot if it's sleighed and dealt with. The kings son was kidnapped by this beast and he's offering money if we can get him back. So let's go, at dawn, tomorrow." 

Silence filled the room.
Patton's face visibly paled at the thought of a dragon.
Virgil simply stood there, his arms crossed and his expression bored.
Deceit stood there, thinking about it. He knew just as well as the others that it was hard paying taxes this day in age and defeating the dragon was worth quite a bit.
Remus looked excited and completely on board.
Logan looked at him as if he were the stupidest man alive. 

"Roman, that is preposterous. We are only trained in fighting criminals. You, Deceit and Virgil are the ones to have ever killed some sort of beast before, even with that experience, a dragon is much different." Logan adjusted his glasses, pushing them up his nose. His face stoic and his mouth in a thin line as he watched Roman process what he had just said. 

"But- Awe c'mon Logan! You're never going to experience anything if you only think like that. You've gotta think about the possibilities that this could bring us! We'd be the talk of the town!" Roman's smile brightened as he thought of people looking up to him - admiring him.

"I'm with Roman! Let's defeat this demon!" Remus cheered, a smile plastered on his face. 
"Unfortunately, I agree with these two fools. It'd bring in a good amount of money," Deceit picked up the piece of paper, his eyes scanning over the details. "Logan, you know just as well as I do that we're all hardly scrapping through with the jobs we have. With Patton selling paintings and you working at the library hardly pays for food. Roman's job as a knight is putting a roof over our heads and the rest of us aren't doing much to support everyone. I'd say it'd do us some good to put the damn beast out of it's misery." 

"Virgil, you think with a logical perspective, what do you think we should do?" Logan asked the man to his left. Virgil stayed quiet for a minute more, thinking it over in his head once more before deciding on an answer.

"As much as I don't want anyone getting hurt. I think it'd be helpful to get some more money to our names. Deceit's right, we're barely keeping ourselves alive with what we're doing now. We need to do something about it and I think this" Virgil spoke, his eyes focused on the piece of paper. 

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