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About a week ago Roman and Virgil had gotten into a relationship. They were together all the time, always being cute. Patton was in the kitchen looking through the kitchen window which looked into the living room where Virgil and Roman were sitting.

Logan walked into the kitchen and saw Patton looking at the recently new couple. Logan walked closer to him and wrapped his arms around his waist. They weren't dating, just 'best friends' who haven't realized their feelings for one another, yet

"What are you doing?" Logan asked him looking out to where he was looking. 

The shorter started talking without looking away from the two. "Virgil and Roman sitting in a tree." Patton started, a slim smile on his face.

"Really Patton?" Logan asked, also forming a smile.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Logan let him continue watching the two laugh and talk, he almost envied their relationship, but he was happy for him.

"First comes love, second comes marriage, then comes a tragic" Logan brought his attention to Patton. "Abrupt, miscarriage."

"Patton..." Logan tried to ask a question but Patton continued. "First comes blame, then comes despair, two hearts broken beyond repair." Patton stopped for a second. "D-I-V-O-R-C-E"

"Patton where did you learn that?" Logan asked, removing his arms from Patton's waist and placed his hands on his shoulders.

"I saw it on Pinterest." Patton shrugged, not thinking much of it.

"You're not allowed on Pinterest anymore, I apologize, but you shouldn't be exposed to silly nursery rhymes gone wrong." Logan told him.

"But...I'm always on Pinterest, where do you think Thomas gets a lot of his...imagination?" Patton explained.

"What-What else have you learned from Pinterest?" Logan asked wearily.

"Well, there's this poem." Patton closed his eyes and started reciting something. "Roses are red, Violets are blue. You are my boyfriend and I love you." Logan's face flashed red, but Patton didn't see it sense his eyes were closed. "But..." Patton held up his finger and continued. "The roses are wilting. The violets are dead.  If I hear you've been cheating, I'll knock off your head." Patton opened his eyes and smiled brightly.

"" Patton shushed him. "I have another one." He said smiling again. "Don't ever laugh as a hearse goes by, or you may be-e the next to die." Logan's eyes widened. "They wrap you up in bloody sheets, to drop you six feet underneath." 

"Patton!" Logan scolded. "No more Pinterest." He said as a final answer.

"But Logi~" Patton whined. He was looking up at Logan with pleading eyes. "What else am I supposed to do without Pinterest?" He asked.

"Read a book?" Logan suggested. He walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. Patton following him like a puppy dog. "But..." Logan stopped him from finishing his complaint. "No, it's final, no more Pinterest." Logan sat on the couch, the attention of Roman and Virgil was now on the others. Patton joined Logan and sat right next to him. He was sitting sideways and facing Logan, sitting criss-cross-applesauce and his hands rested on his ankles. 

"But Pinterest~" Patton cried. "What about Pinterest?" Virgil asked growing curious. Logan and Patton turned to face him.

"Patton is learning...depressing rhymes on Pinterest so I told him to stay off of the app." Logan explained. "It can't be that bad." Roman said looking at Logan as if he were crazy because not even Roman could live without Pinterest.

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